In: Computer Science
Given the header file (grid.h) and the source file,(grid.cpp) create the file trap.cpp. Here are the requirements for trap.cpp:
Write a main program in a file called trap.cpp that solves the following scenario, using your Grid class:
Giant Mole People have risen from their underground lairs and are taking over the world. You have been taken prisoner and placed in an underground jail cell. Since the Mole People are blind and don't know how to build doors, your cell has one open exit (no door). Since you are deep underground, it is completely dark and you cannot see. Your task is to escape your prison to join the human resistance!
Your program should ask the user to input the number of rows, then columns, for the grid. (Note that this is the ONLY keyboard input for this program). Create a grid with the specified number of rows and columns, using the constructor with two parameters -- (this is the one that should automatically create a fenced-in grid containing one exit and a randomly placed mover). Display the initial grid. Since the placement of the exit and the mover is random, execution of this program will look a little different every time. Your task is to escape the trap! You will need to create an algorithm that will instruct the mover to find its way to the exit. (Hint: Think about how to use the Predicate functions before you move). Upon reaching the exit, you should print a message of success, like "We escaped!", and then output the final position of the mover. Keep the path toggled ON. You only need to display the initial setup grid and the final grid for this program.
Here is the header file grid.h:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Grid
static const int NORTH = 0;
static const int WEST = 1;
static const int SOUTH = 2;
static const int EAST = 3;
Grid(); // build 1 x 1 grid with mover in only
// square, facing east
Grid(int r, int c); // build grid with r rows, c cols, blocks
around edge with random exit
// and random mover position and direction
Grid(int r, int c, int mr, int mc, int d); // build empty grid with r rows, c cols, and mover at row mr, col mc, and facing direction d
bool Move(int s); // move forward s spaces, if possible
void TogglePath(); // toggle whether or not moved path is shown
void TurnLeft(); // turn the mover to the left
void PutDown(); // put down an item at the mover's position
bool PutDown(int r, int c); // put down an item at (r,c), if possible
bool PickUp(); // pick up item at current position
bool PlaceBlock(int r, int c); // put a block at (r,c), if possible
void Grow(int gr, int gc); // grow the grid by gr rows, gc columns
void Display() const; // display the grid on screen. Accessors
bool FrontIsClear() const; // check to see if space in front of mover is clear
bool RightIsClear() const; // check to see if space to right of mover is clear
int GetRow() const; // return row of the mover
int GetCol() const; // return column of the mover
int GetNumRows() const; // return number of rows in the grid
int GetNumCols() const; // return number of columns in the grid
char** grid;
int mover_r, mover_c, mover_d, maxRow, maxCol;
bool path;
You will write a class called Grid, and test it with a couple of programs. A Grid object will be made up of a grid of positions, numbered with rows and columns. Row and column numbering start at 0, at the top left corner of the grid. A grid object also has a "mover", which can move around to different locations on the grid. Obstacles (which block the mover) and other objects (that can be placed or picked up) are also available. Here is a sample picture of a Grid object in its display format:
0 . . . This is a Grid object with 4 rows and 4 columns (numbered 0 - 3). . . > . The mover '>' is at row 1, column 2, facing east. . . . . The obstacle '#' is at row 3, column 1 . # . . The other item '0' is at row 0, column 0
The @ character indicates that the mover and an item (0) currently occupy the same position on the grid.
Program Details and Requirements
1) Grid class
Download this starter file: grid_starter.h and rename it as grid.h. Your member function prototypes are already given in this file. You will need to add appropriate member data. You will also need to define each of the member functions in the file grid.cpp. You may add whatever member data you need, but you must store the grid itself as a two-dimensional array. Maximum grid size will be 40 rows and 40 columns. (Note that this means dynamic allocation will NOT be needed for this assignment).
Meaning of Grid symbols
. empty spot on the grid 0 an item that can be placed, or picked up # a block (an obstacle). Mover cannot move through it < mover facing WEST > mover facing EAST ^ mover facing NORTH v mover facing SOUTH @ mover occupying same place as item (0)
A printed space ' ' in a grid position represents a spot that the mover has already moved through when the path display is toggled on
public Member function descriptions
You'll need the library cstdlib for the srand and rand functions. While it's not normally the best place to do it, you can go ahead and seed the random number generator here in the constructor in some appropriate way so that it's different for seperate program runs.
If you need a refresher on pseudo-random number generation, see this notes set from COP 3014:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include "grid.h"
Grid::Grid() // check task: build the grid with mover in only square, facing east
grid = new char* [1]; // may I need to remove * in order to make this less painfull
grid[0] = new char [1];
mover_r = 0;
mover_c = 0;
mover_d = EAST;
path = true;
Grid::Grid(int r, int c) // build grid with r rows, c cols, blocks around edge with random exit
// and random mover position and direction
if(r < 4 || c < 4)
maxRow = 3;
maxCol = 3;
else if(r > 40 || c > 40)
maxRow = 40;
maxCol = 40;
maxRow = r;
maxCol = c;
grid = new char* [maxRow];
for(int i = 0; i < maxRow; i++)
grid[i] = new char [maxCol];
//populates grid with '#' and '.'
for(int i = 0; i < maxRow; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < maxCol; j++)
if(i == 0 || i == maxRow-1)
grid[i][j] = '#';
else if(j == 0 || j == maxCol-1)
grid[i][j] = '#';
grid[i][j] = '.';
path = true;
int r_n = rand() % maxRow,
r_exit = rand() % maxRow,
c_n = rand() % maxCol,
c_exit = rand() % maxCol,
direction = rand() % 4,
edge = rand() % 4;
case NORTH:
grid[0][c_exit] = ' ';
case SOUTH:
grid[maxRow-1][c_exit] = ' ';
case WEST:
grid[r_exit][0] = ' ';
case EAST:
grid[r_exit][maxCol-1] = ' ';
//mover placement
mover_r = r_n;
mover_c = c_n;
mover_d = direction;
Grid::Grid(int r, int c, int mr, int mc, int d) //make empty grid with r rows, c cols, and mover, at row mr, col mc, and facing direction d
if(r < 0 || c < 0)
maxRow = 1;
maxCol = 1;
else if(r > 40 || c > 40)
maxRow = 40;
maxCol = 40;
maxRow = r; //inicializado correctamente
maxCol = c;
grid = new char* [maxRow];
for(int i = 0; i < maxRow; i++)
grid[i] = new char [maxCol];
path = true;
//set up grid
for(int i = 0; i < maxRow; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < maxCol; j++)
grid[i][j] = '.';
if(mr > maxRow)
mr = maxRow-1;
else if(mr < 0)
mr = 0;
if(mc > maxCol)
mc = maxCol-1;
else if(mc < 0)
mc = 0;
mover_r = mr;
mover_c = mc;
mover_d = d;
bool Grid::Move(int s) // move forward s spaces, if possible
int temp;
bool flag = false;
switch(mover_d) {
case NORTH:
if(s > 0) {
if(mover_r - s >= 0) {
temp = mover_r;
for(int i = 0; i < s; i++)
if( FrontIsClear())
flag = true;
if(grid[mover_r][mover_c] != '0')
grid[mover_r][mover_c] = ' ';
} else flag = false;
if(flag == false) mover_r = temp;
else return true;
return false;
case SOUTH:
if(s > 0) {
if(mover_r + s <= maxRow)
temp = mover_r;
for(int i = 0; i < s; i++)
if( FrontIsClear()) {
flag = true;
if(grid[mover_r][mover_c] != '0')
grid[mover_r][mover_c] = ' ';
} else flag = false;
if(flag == false) mover_r = temp;
else return true;
return false;
case EAST:
if(s > 0)
if(mover_c + s <= maxCol)
temp = mover_c;
for(int i = 0; i < s; i++)
if( FrontIsClear())
flag = true;
if(grid[mover_r][mover_c] != '0')
grid[mover_r][mover_c] = ' ';
} else flag = false;
if(flag == false)
mover_c = temp;
else return true;
return false;
case WEST:
if(s > 0)
if(mover_c - s >= 0) {
temp = mover_c;
for(int i = 0; i < s; i++)
if( FrontIsClear())
flag = true;
if(grid[mover_r][mover_c] != '0')
grid[mover_r][mover_c] = ' ';
} else flag = false;
if(flag == false)
mover_c = temp;
else return true;
return false;
void Grid::TogglePath() // toggle whether or not moved path is shown
path = !path;
void Grid::TurnLeft() // turn the mover to the left
case NORTH:
mover_d = WEST;
case WEST:
mover_d = SOUTH;
case SOUTH:
mover_d = EAST;
case EAST:
mover_d = NORTH;
void Grid::PutDown() // put down an item at the mover's position
grid[mover_r][mover_c] = '0';
bool Grid::PutDown(int r, int c) // put down an item at (r,c), if possible
if(r < maxRow && c < maxCol && grid[r][c] != '#')
grid[r][c] = '0';
return true;
return false;
bool Grid::PickUp() // pick up item at current position
if(grid[mover_r][mover_c] == '0')
grid[mover_r][mover_c] = '.';
return true;
return false;
bool Grid::PlaceBlock(int r, int c) // put a block at (r,c), if possible
if(r < maxRow && r > 0 && c < maxCol && c > 0 && grid[r][c] != '#')
grid[r][c] = '#';
return true;
return false;
void Grid::Grow(int gr, int gc) // grow the grid by gr maxRow, gc columns
if(maxRow + gr <= 40)
maxRow += gr;
maxRow = 40;
if(maxCol + gc <= 40)
maxCol += gc;
maxCol = 40;
char **newGrid = new char * [maxRow];
for(int i = 0; i < maxRow; i++)
newGrid[i] = new char [maxCol];
for(int i = 0; i < maxRow; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < maxCol;j++)
newGrid[i][j] = grid[i][j];
for(int i = 0; i < maxRow; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < maxCol; j++)
delete [] &grid[i][j];
delete [] grid[i];
delete [] grid;
grid = newGrid;
void Grid::Display() const // display the grid on screen
cout << "The Grid:\n";
for(int i = 0; i < maxRow; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < maxCol; j++)
if(i == mover_r && j == mover_c)
if(grid[i][j] == '0')
cout << '@';
case NORTH:
cout << '^';
case WEST:
cout << '<';
case SOUTH:
cout << 'v';
case EAST:
cout << '>';
else if(grid[i][j] == ' ' && path == false)
cout << '.';
else if(path == true)
cout << grid[i][j];
cout << " ";
cout << endl;
// Accessors
bool Grid::FrontIsClear() const // check to see if space in front of mover is clear
case NORTH:
if(grid[mover_r-1][mover_c] != '#')
return true;
return false;
case WEST:
if(grid[mover_r][mover_c-1] != '#')
return true;
return false;
case EAST:
if(grid[mover_r][mover_c+1] != '#')
return true;
return false;
case SOUTH:
if(grid[mover_r+1][mover_c] != '#')
return true;
return false;
bool Grid::RightIsClear() const // check to see if space to right of mover is clear
case NORTH:
if(grid[mover_r][mover_c+1] != '#')
return true;
return false;
case WEST:
if(grid[mover_r-1][mover_c] != '#')
return true;
return false;
case EAST:
if(grid[mover_r+1][mover_c] != '#')
return true;
return false;
case SOUTH:
if(grid[mover_r][mover_c-1] != '#')
return true;
return false;
int Grid:: GetRow() const // return row of the mover
return mover_r;
int Grid:: GetCol() const // return column of the mover
return mover_c;
int Grid:: GetNumRows() const // return number of rows in the grid
return maxRow;
int Grid:: GetNumCols() const // return number of columns in the grid
return maxCol;
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