In: Civil Engineering
Flow in lewers O designed Sanitary Sewres - designed to carry Peak dechange ie Max Hously discharge & checked to ensure that at Mirm Discharge (minn Hourly full velocity generated should be greater than self-cleansing to Run Pastially discharge Velocity * Reason Max flow = (Peaking factor) & Aug. flow Values of Peaking factor | Peaking factor to decade diameter & pipe Population Opto 20000 20000 - 50000 2.5 2.25 S0000 - 750000 > 50000 2.0 * 2) Minm flow = 1 to I of avg. flow. Reason: - To ensure self cleansing Velocity Stoom sewer → its design requires u 0 estimation of peak sunoff date for design. Peak sunoff de bends on 'Intensity of sainfall ' it depends on Reocersonce interval & duration of rainfall Peak Runoff (marm flow) calculated using Rational Formula [RECIA B = CiA - Runoff coeff. = runoff sain flow - intensity of sanfall. A- catchment area. Rainfall intensity (8) = Point Rainfall internity & Arcal dispersion factor. e, so a causar To – hr (Time of concentration) Design (i= tot 14 also i = 75 Tc + 10 (5 s TC 320) Tc- in minutes) foo (20 < To <100) Tc + 20