1. Human resource management system: There are
five major components of an HRMS which are as follows:
- The Organisation culture: The human resource management is
responsible for setting policies, procedures and company standards.
It also dictates it to employees. All the policies, norms make an
organisation culture and all the employees have to behave
- Performance Evaluation: The HRMS is responsible for evaluation
of the performance of the employees and analyse whether it is
meeting the goals of the company or not. They are aslo responsible
for making any change which would be beneficial in this
- Recruitment and Selection: Recruiting the right canditate which
is best fit for the company is very important. HRMS is responsible
for hiring the right person through the entire process of posting,
filteration to selection.
- Training- After a rigorous process of recruitment and
selection, the employee is trained for the job so that he would
match his skills with the required job. Also, regular training of
the employees is planned and managed by HRMS so that all the
employees are up to date with the knowledge and skills of the
required domain.
- Health and Safety- It is the right of all the workers to get a
safe working environment which is provided by the HRMS. Safety and
the health benefits to the workers are overlooked and planned by
the HRMS.
2. Advantages of Internal Recruitment
- Time Saving- Recruitment and selection through internally can
save the time of the HR and the company as there is no need to
follow the entire job posting, hiring and evalution procedure for
the candidate.
- The person knows the culture of the organisation and thus can
be easily fir for the new position.
- Economical in nature: Internal recruitment saves the cost. For
example: cost of job posting can be saved.
- The track record is available and no need to go for background
- Improve employee performance by giving the existing employees
new opportunities.
Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment
- Create a feeling of dissatisfaction and unfair among other
employees who were not chosen for the role.
- It also limit the pool of applications which may result in
inappropriate hiring. More suitable candidate can be hired if they
have more choices.
- Gap in existing position: If one of the existing employee is
promoted there will be a gap in his/her place.
External Recruitment can compensate in the following ways:
- There will be no feeling of dissatisfaction among the employees
as all the candidates are given an equal opportunity for the
position through recruiting externally.
- More number of choices to the company for the required
- Suitable candidate can be hired from the wide choices of
- There will be no gap in the existing position as the person is
hired from other sources not from the same company.
3. Three factors on which performance is
appraised in a performance appraisal are:
- Performance of the employee
- Skills Sets of the employee
- Motivation and initiatives
- Performance of the employee- The past and current execution of
work of the employee can affect the performance appraisal. For
example: Continous absentisim or late work frequently can affect
the performance of the employee which in turn results in company's
- Skills Sets of the employee- The level of skills of an employee
is an important factor in performance appraisal. If a person
continuously improve his skills then he would be more appropriate
for the job and would perform better.
- Motivation and Initiavites: A highly motivated employee will
work hard to complete his given task and also take new initiatives
for achieving his and company's goals which would result in a
better performance.
All the three factors affect the performnace appraisal of the
employee. Based on the above three factors, the performance is
4. Collective bargaining process: It is a
process between the employees and the employer. In this process,
the terms of employment is negotiated between the employeers and
group of workers/ employees.The terms of employment include the
- wages and salary
- sick leave
- health benefits
- overtime pay
- conditions of employment
- work hours
- shift length
In the USA, this process takes place between the union leaders
and the management of the company to negotiate for the above
mentioned terms of the employment and they reach on an collective
bargaining agreement.