
In: Operations Management

"The Catalonian revolution affected negatively the tourism in Barcelona" - State clearly how this influenced negatively...

"The Catalonian revolution affected negatively the tourism in Barcelona"

- State clearly how this influenced negatively Catalunya. Define your research question/hypothesis and the main objectives (100 words).

- Clearly indicate and give examples of the methods and techniques which could be used to gather information and investigate the identified problem.


Expert Solution

1.Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, is one of the most visited tourist destinations in Europe. In 2016, Catalonia witnessed 18 million visitors. As a consequence of Catalonia’s independence referendum, pro-independence and pro-unity groups have taken to the streets to protest. This turbulent political scenario in Spain is likely to drag down the business confidence, tourism and impact the GDP of the nation.

Research Question: How many tourists will Barcelona witness in the next year?

The main objective of knowing this is to calibrate the negative impact of political upheaval in Catalonia on its tourism industry.

2. To investigate the problem, information can be gathered from airlines operating in Barcelona which can give an apt quantitative figure about the number of tourists visiting from different parts of the world. This data can be gathered month-wise to know the seasonality of tourism.

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