Real-life applications of substitution
- Fighting against Multi-Drug- Resistant ( MDR)
diseases: MDR means antimicrobial resistance shown by a
species of microorganism to antimicrobial drug. Hence substitution
reactions are used to combat antibiotic drug resistance in modern
medicine. Scientists rearrange the structure of the antibiotic
through substitution while keeping the drug’s effectiveness,
allowing it to work and not be recognized by the bacteria.
- Use of substitution reactions in animal’s
bodies: Animals can readily digest cellulose, especially
cows, so there is a substitution reaction that occurs in the body
with glycosidase. This allows the cellulose to be digestible and
nutritious for the animal.
Real-life applications of elimination
- Synthesis of drug tamoxifen: Tamoxifen is an
anti-estrogen antagonist which is used to treat breast cancer that
is estrogen receptor positive.