
In: Electrical Engineering

1. Write code in mips that will play battleships. Include comments in code on what each...

1. Write code in mips that will play battleships. Include comments in code on what each part is doing.


Expert Solution

# Description:  A game to play a very simplified version of "Battleship"
    .asciiz "row ? "
    .asciiz "column ? "
    .asciiz "You already guessed that, try again\n"
    .asciiz "You missed\n"
    .asciiz "Out of guesses -- too bad, you lose!\n"
    .asciiz "You sank my fleet - you win!\n"
    .asciiz "You hit my rubber ducky!\n"
    .asciiz "You hit my pirate ship!\n"
    .asciiz "You sank my rubber ducky!\n"
    .asciiz "You sank my pirate ship!\n"
    .asciiz "Ready for another game? (y or n)\n"
# game specific data structures
# use to keep track of whether this location has been guess already
    .space  MAX_SIZE
    # these are the data structures that will be passed to play_game
    .word   ships1
    .word   ships1  # need to add PIRATE_SIZE to this at run time 
    .word   guessed
    .word   ships2
    .word   ships2 # need to add DUCKY_SIZE to this at run time 
    .word   guessed
    # your code should never access these directly - you'll find them
    # via the game structure
    .byte   PIRATE, 3       # type of ship, length of ship
    .byte   0,0             # for alignment
    .word   1,1,FALSE       # row, column, hit=FALSE
    .word   1,2,FALSE       # row, column, hit=FALSE
    .word   1,3,FALSE       # row, column, hit=FALSE
    .byte   DUCKY, 2        # type of ship, length of ship
    .byte   0,0             # for alignment
    .word   3,0,FALSE       # row, column, hit=FALSE
    .word   4,0,FALSE       # row, column, hit=FALSE
    .byte   DUCKY,2
    .byte   0,0 # for alignment
    .word   0,2,FALSE
    .word   0,3,FALSE
    .byte   PIRATE, 3
    .byte   0,0 # for alignment
    .word   4,4,FALSE
    .word   3,4,FALSE
    .word   2,4,FALSE
buffer: .space 10
    addi    $sp,$sp,-40      # allocate stack frame (on doubleword boundary)
    sw      $ra, 32($sp)    # store the ra & s reg's on the stack
    sw      $s7, 28($sp)
    sw      $s6, 24($sp)
    sw      $s5, 20($sp)
    sw      $s4, 16($sp)
    sw      $s3, 12($sp)
    sw      $s2, 8($sp)
    sw      $s1, 4($sp)
    sw      $s0, 0($sp)
    move    $s0, $a0        # save the game address 
    li  $t7, MAX_SHIPS      # number of ships not sank
    # initialize the game matrix
    lw  $t0, GUESSES($a0)   # load the guess grid address
    add $t1, $t0, MAX_SIZE  # load the last address
    li  $t2, FALSE      # set the values to FALSE
    beq $t0, $t1, done_init 
    sb  $t2, 0($t0)     # store FALSE in the grid spot
    addi    $t0, $t0, 1     # increment the grid spot
    j   init_loop
    move    $s1, $zero      # zero out guesses taken
    li  $t0, MAX_GUESSES
    beq $s1, $t0, out_of_guesses
    # Get row and col data
    la  $a0, row_prompt
    li  $v0, PRINT_STRING
    li  $v0, READ_INT
    move    $s2, $v0
    la  $a0, column_prompt
    li  $v0, PRINT_STRING
    li  $v0, READ_INT
    move    $s3, $v0
    # Check state of guess grid
    li  $t0, 5          # load 5 into t0
    mult    $s2, $t0        # multiply row by 5
    mflo    $t0         # get answer into t0
    add $t0, $t0, $s3       # add col to get index
    lw  $t1, GUESSES($s0)   # create pointer to start of grid
    add $t1, $t1, $t0       # move the pointer
    lb  $t0, 0($t1)     # load state into t0
    move    $s4, $t1        # save the address of the cur guess
    bnez    $t0, dupe_guess     # if the number was already guessed
    lw  $s5, SHIP1($s0)     # give it the first ship
    move    $s7, $zero      # zero out ships counter
    jal check_hit
    addi    $s1, $s1, 1     # increment shots taken
    j   check_num_guesses
    li  $t0, MAX_SHIPS
    beq $s7, $t0, not_hit   # done if its the max 
    move    $a0, $s5        # save the addr of boat
    move    $s6, $zero      # create a counter of holes
    lb  $t1, LENGTH($s5)    # get length of structure
    beq $t1, $s6, done_checking_loop
    addi    $s6, $s6, 1     # increment counter
    # Check row
    lw  $t1, ROW($a0)       # load row offset from spot
    bne $s2, $t1, miss      
    # Check col
    lw  $t1, COLUMN($a0)    # load col offset from spot
    bne $s3, $t1, miss
    # At this point it is a hit
    li  $t1, TRUE       # load the TRUE flag into t1
    sw  $t1, HIT($a0)       # store it in the hit word of ship
    lb  $t1, TYPE($s5)      # load type into t1
    sb  $t1, 0($s4)     # store the ship type in the matrix
    # print which ship is hit
    li  $t2, DUCKY
    beq $t2, $t1, hit_ducky
    li  $t2, PIRATE
    beq $t2, $t1, hit_pirate
    la  $a0, ducky_hit
    j   print_hit
    la  $a0, pirate_hit
    li  $v0, PRINT_STRING
    j   is_sunk
    jr  $ra
    addi    $a0, $a0, HOLE_SIZE # move to the next hole
    j   checking_loop
    move    $t3, $s0
    addi    $t3, $t3, 4     # move to the next ship
    lw  $s5, 0($t3)     # load the addr of next ship
    addi    $s7, $s7, 1     # increment ships counter
    j   check_hit
    # update grid with NOT_HIT then print and j $ra
    li  $t1, GOT_HIT
    sb  $t1, 0($s4)
    la  $a0, you_missed
    li  $v0, PRINT_STRING
    jr  $ra
    lb  $t1, LENGTH($s5)    # length of current ship
    move    $t2, $s5        # make a temp copy of the address
    beq $t1, $zero, sunk    # if number of holes left to check is 0
    addi    $t1, $t1, -1        # decrement
    li  $t3, HOLE_SIZE
    add $t2, $t2, $t3
    lw  $t5, 0($t2)     # load the value of the HIT
    li  $t4, TRUE       # load TRUE
    beq $t4, $t5, sunk_loop
    jr  $ra
    lb  $t3, TYPE($s5)      # get the type of the ship
    li  $t2, DUCKY
    beq $t2, $t3, sunk_ducky    # if the ducky was sank
    li  $t2, PIRATE
    beq $t2, $t3, sunk_pirate   # if the pirate was sank
    la  $a0, ducky_sank
    j   print_sunk
    la  $a0, pirate_sank
    li  $v0, PRINT_STRING
    addi    $t7, $t7, -1            # decrement number of ships
    beq $t7, $zero, done_game_win
    jr  $ra
    la  $a0, already_guessed
    li  $v0, PRINT_STRING
    j   prompt
    la  $a0, you_win
    li  $v0, PRINT_STRING
    j   done_play_game
    la  $a0, you_lose
    li  $v0, PRINT_STRING
        lw      $ra, 32($sp)    # restore the ra & s reg's from the stack
        lw      $s7, 28($sp)
        lw      $s6, 24($sp)
        lw      $s5, 20($sp)
        lw      $s4, 16($sp)
        lw      $s3, 12($sp)
        lw      $s2, 8($sp)
        lw      $s1, 4($sp)
        lw      $s0, 0($sp)
        addi    $sp,$sp,40      # clean up stack
        jr      $ra
FS_M = 8
    sub $sp, $sp, FS_M
    sw  $ra, -4+FS_M($sp)
    # fiddle with addresses in structure because the stupid assembler
    # can't handle arithmetic with .word 
    li  $t0, PIRATE_SIZE
    la  $t1, game1
    lw  $t2, 4($t1)
    add $t2, $t2, $t0
    sw  $t2, 4($t1)
    li  $t0, DUCKY_SIZE
    la  $t1, game2
    lw  $t2, 4($t1)
    add $t2, $t2, $t0
    sw  $t2, 4($t1)
    # now let's get rolling and play the game!  
    # pass address of first game structure in a0
    la  $a0, game1
    jal play_game
    # ask if they want to play again
    la  $a0, next_game
    li  $v0, PRINT_STRING
    # read the answer
    li  $v0, READ_STRING
    la  $a0, buffer
    li  $a1, 3
    # see if it is yes
    li  $t0, 'y'
    lb  $t1, buffer
    bne $t0, $t1, done_main
    # they want to play again, so load up new game into a0
    la  $a0, game2
    jal play_game
    # all done!
    lw  $ra, -4+FS_M($sp)
    add $sp, $sp, FS_M
    jr  $ra

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