
In: Computer Science

C++ program, include comments stating what each part of code does please. I want to be...

C++ program, include comments stating what each part of code does please. I want to be able to understand it so I'll be more knowledgeable in the future. The program is multiple files(fibonacci.h file, fibonacci.cpp file, main.cpp file and loops_simple_data_test.cpp). After the directions I also included any starter code or comments left by my professor within the files to aide us.


In folder 04_loops_simple_data write prototype and definition for string value - return function get_fibonacci with an int parameter that returns the fibonacci sequence up to that number. Write the required unit test(s) in folder 04_loops_simple_data_test. Main program flow: Program runs until user opts out. For each loop prompt user for a number, use number as function argument, call get_fibonacci function and display the output.


Write prototype for string value-return function get_fibonacci with an int
parameter that returns the fibonacci sequence up to that number.


Write prototype for string value - return function get_fibonacci with an int
parameter that returns the fibonacci sequence up to that number.


//Write include statements
//Write using statements
Program runs until user opts out.
For each loop prompt user for a number, use number as function argument,
call get_fibonacci function and display the output.
int main()
return 0;


#define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN // This tells Catch to provide a main() - only do this in one cpp file
#include "catch.hpp"
//Write includes
Write test case for get fibonacci function with values
10 result "0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8"
5 result "0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5"


Expert Solution

Note: Done accordingly. Please comment for any problem. Please Uprate. Thanks


#pragma once
   Write prototype for string value-return function get_fibonacci with an int
   parameter that returns the fibonacci sequence up to that number.
class fibonacci
   std::string get_fibonacci(int);


#include "fibonacci.h"

std::string fibonacci::get_fibonacci(int num){
   std::string series="";
   int first=1,second=1,temp;
   return series;
   }else if(num==0){
       series="0 ";

else if(num==1){
       series="0 1 1";
       series="0 1 1";
           series=series+" "+std::to_string(temp);
   return series;


// fibonacciSequence.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "fibonacci.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;

int getNumber(){
   int num;
   return num;

char getChoice(){
   char ch;
   return ch;
void main(){
   fibonacci obj;
   int num;
   char choice;
       cout<<"Please give number :";
       cout<<"Do you want to check again? (y) :";


// tests-main.cpp
#include "catch.hpp"

#include "fibonacci.h"

TEST_CASE("Testing Fibnacci") {
fibonacci testObject;

SECTION("First section, works") {
REQUIRE(obj.get_fibonacci(5)=="0 1 1 2 3 5");
SECTION("Second section, works") {
REQUIRE(obj.get_fibonacci(10)=="0 1 1 2 3 5 8");
SECTION("Second section, fails") {
REQUIRE(obj.get_fibonacci(10)=="1 1 2 3");


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