
In: Electrical Engineering

write the code in MATLAB with comments and show the inputs and results of the code...

write the code in MATLAB with comments and show the inputs and results of the code for the question below.

Write an .m file in MATLAB, that records audio (you can record your own voice for 20 seconds that was recorded using your phone), then take Fourier transform of the signal (probably FFT).


Expert Solution


rec = audiorecorder(96000,16,1); %created object rec for audio recording with default parameters
recordblocking(rec, 20); %recording the sound using object for 20 s
play(rec); %play recoding recorded
y = getaudiodata(rec); %get the data recorded in double format
plot(y); %plot of the recorded signal
tsignal = fft(y,100); %taking fourier transform of the signal recorded

Recorded signal plot and code

Fourier transform tsignal values of recorded signal

1.0e-03 *

0.0916 + 0.0000i
0.0608 + 0.1852i
-0.0937 + 0.1253i
0.0001 - 0.0078i
-0.0057 + 0.0455i
0.0087 + 0.0389i
0.0563 + 0.1675i
0.0452 + 0.0339i
-0.0117 - 0.0227i
0.0199 + 0.0147i
0.0799 + 0.1298i
-0.0988 + 0.0347i
-0.0240 + 0.0199i
-0.0709 - 0.0312i
-0.0839 - 0.0908i
0.0547 + 0.0329i
0.2478 + 0.0672i
-0.0155 + 0.1462i
-0.0848 + 0.1223i
0.0424 + 0.0772i
0.0494 - 0.0802i
0.1771 + 0.0563i
0.1773 + 0.0464i
0.0106 + 0.0605i
-0.0011 + 0.0755i
0.2136 + 0.0610i
-0.0869 + 0.0435i
-0.1571 + 0.0323i
-0.0263 - 0.0156i
0.0265 - 0.0806i
0.0117 + 0.0802i
0.0754 + 0.0361i
-0.0967 + 0.0969i
-0.1392 + 0.0532i
0.0788 - 0.0232i
-0.0170 - 0.1550i
0.0127 - 0.0705i
0.1152 - 0.0328i
0.1007 + 0.0300i
-0.1123 + 0.0329i
-0.0189 - 0.1298i
-0.0654 - 0.0627i
-0.0523 + 0.0149i
0.0009 + 0.0472i
-0.0360 - 0.0346i
-0.1074 + 0.0832i
-0.0877 + 0.0550i
-0.0363 + 0.1218i
-0.1353 + 0.0099i
-0.0313 - 0.0847i
-0.0305 + 0.0000i
-0.0313 + 0.0847i
-0.1353 - 0.0099i
-0.0363 - 0.1218i
-0.0877 - 0.0550i
-0.1074 - 0.0832i
-0.0360 + 0.0346i
0.0009 - 0.0472i
-0.0523 - 0.0149i
-0.0654 + 0.0627i
-0.0189 + 0.1298i
-0.1123 - 0.0329i
0.1007 - 0.0300i
0.1152 + 0.0328i
0.0127 + 0.0705i
-0.0170 + 0.1550i
0.0788 + 0.0232i
-0.1392 - 0.0532i
-0.0967 - 0.0969i
0.0754 - 0.0361i
0.0117 - 0.0802i
0.0265 + 0.0806i
-0.0263 + 0.0156i
-0.1571 - 0.0323i
-0.0869 - 0.0435i
0.2136 - 0.0610i
-0.0011 - 0.0755i
0.0106 - 0.0605i
0.1773 - 0.0464i
0.1771 - 0.0563i
0.0494 + 0.0802i
0.0424 - 0.0772i
-0.0848 - 0.1223i
-0.0155 - 0.1462i
0.2478 - 0.0672i
0.0547 - 0.0329i
-0.0839 + 0.0908i
-0.0709 + 0.0312i
-0.0240 - 0.0199i
-0.0988 - 0.0347i
0.0799 - 0.1298i
0.0199 - 0.0147i
-0.0117 + 0.0227i
0.0452 - 0.0339i
0.0563 - 0.1675i
0.0087 - 0.0389i
-0.0057 - 0.0455i
0.0001 + 0.0078i
-0.0937 - 0.1253i
0.0608 - 0.1852i

Screenshot of these values obtained

screenshots are taken randomly.

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