
In: Computer Science

Assembly language: please comment on every line of code explaining each part. include head comments describing...

Assembly language: please comment on every line of code explaining each part. include head comments describing what your program does.

Assignment 3A - A program that adds and subtracts 32-bit numbers
After installing the assembler on the computer, enter the following program, save it, assemble it and run it. Do not forget to add a comment with your name in it.
You will hand in a listing (e.g., addsum.asm) that should include your name

TITLE Add and Subtract (AddSum.asm)
;This program adds and subtracts 32-bit integers

; Jonathan Borda
main   PROC
   mov   eax, 10000h   ; EAX = 10000h
   add   eax, 40000h   ; EAX = 50000h
   sub   eax, 20000h   ; EAX = 30000h
   call   DumpRegs   ; display registers

main   ENDP
   END   main


Expert Solution

I hope this what you want. I have explained everything. if you still have any doubt please let me know.


TITLE Add and Subtract (AddSum.asm)
;This program adds and subtracts 32-bit integer

;------------------your Name-----------------------

INCLUDE ; include directives brings the necessary definition and macros into program for execution of program, from

.code ; This is code Segment. There are 3 segment 1)code 2) data 3) stack. Code segment contains instructions that are to be executed.

main PROC ; beginning of a main procedure

   MOV EAX,10000H ;EAX=10000H This statements moves the 10000h into EAX register over here EAX is destination register and 10000h is source operand

   ADD EAX,40000H ;EAX=50000H This add instructions add the content of EAX register with 40000h source operand and result is stored in EAX register which is 50000H

   SUB EAX,20000H ;EAX=30000H This subtract instruction subtract the value of Source operand from EAX register and stores the value in EAX register

   CALL DumpRegs ; This instruction calls a procedure (defines in Irvine32) DumpRegs which displays the value of CPU Register
   exit ; It is a macro defined in Irvine32. That represents an end of a program.

main ENDP ; This ENDP represents end of procedure over here it is main
END main ;END represents End of Program After word the main represent a procedure name Entry point in the program from where execution of program begins. This is optional part.

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