Healthcare organizations play a crucial role when the health of
human beings is concerned. We can list some high performance
organizations in the field of healthcare as:
- Mayo Clinic
- Intermountain
- Kaiser Permanente
- Cleveland Clinic
- CCS medical
These are some healthcare organizations which are performing at
higher levels in the field of healthcare by providing top level
Healthcare is a service oriented sector and due to it's
relationship with people health, it is very important to have
highly productive workforce. What are the important strategic
methods or strategies for improving employees' productivity, let's
1) Review the measurement system or metric
- It is very important to review and analyse the current metric
to know the reasons of less productivity.
- By reviewing the measurement system in the healthcare
organizations, productivity can be increased.
- Reviewing is important because sometimes issues with
productivity are not necessarily coming due to productivity itself,
measurement system for measuring productivity may require some
- Use of wrong metric can lower or raise productivity statistics
which may be wrong and can create problems.
2) Use of technology
- Appropriate technology should be used in the healthcare
organizations to support workflows and improve productivity.
- Use of good technology can result in less mistakes and can
support administration in resolving issues.
- Use of appropriate technology facilitates employees to get with
their work thus boosting employee productivity.
- By using technology employees get right information at the
right time thus resulting in spending less time in sorting out
mistakes or correcting course.
- If employees are spending less time in correcting errors or due
to technology errors are few then it results in improved
3) Review the workflows
- If employees are performing repetitive or overlapping workflows
then it can hamper employee productivity.
- Review of workflows is important because inefficient workflows
may hamper employee productivity as employees have to wait for
information that should be ready and accessible.
- Electronic health records can help in accessing the information
but poor interfaces and poor structure can cause problems, that's
why workflows should be reviewed to boost employee
4) Improve employee engagement
- If employees are disengaged with the work then it can result in
low productivity.
- To avoid consequences due to employee disengagement a
healthcare organization should offer rewards for good
- Rewards don't need to be in cash only, appreciation for good
performance among the peers may act as a reward for employees
because this boosts the employee morale thus resulting in high
- Rewards facilitates motivation for the work and good work leads
to high performance and productivity.
5) Training
- Sometimes lack of skills or knowledge may lead to low employee
- Employees' performance should be reviewed in order to know the
level of knowledge.
- Training about the work should be given to employees in order
to improve their skills.
- Employees sound with good working skills leads to high
- So, time to time training should be provided to the employees
related to their work.
These are some main strategies to improve employee productivity
which are followed by high performing healthcare organizations as
listed above.
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