a. Desgin and VERILOG code of a 3 bit up
down counter USING T FLIP FLOP.....
b. using behavioural module.Write a verilog
discription of an N-BIT up down binary counter. Record the
simulation output waveform in observation.....
Design a 5-bit binary counter using JK flip flops.
Draw the flip-flop circuit diagram, the state graph, the timing
diagram, the truth table (with clk pulse) and the state table (with
present and next states).
Represent -60 in binary using 8-bit signed magnitude.
Add the following unsigned 8 bit binary numbers as shown.
01110101 + 00111011
Add the following unsigned 8 bit binary numbers as shown.
01000100 + 10111011
Advanced Digital System Design
Build a 1-bit subtractor and scale it up to become an 8-bit
subrtactor. Include truth tables and gate level diagrams for the
1-bit version.
Design a 4-bit up/down counter which displays its output on the
the 7-led segment using the decoder used in Lab 2.
In this lab, you will design a 4-bit up/down counter which
displays its output on the 7-segment LED using the decoder that you
designed in Lab 2.
The 4-bit up/down counter module has 4 inputs, Clk_1Hz, Reset,
Pause, and Up; and a 4-bit output Count. If Reset is 1, the counter
should reset its count value to zero (0000)....
Using Multisim, design a 2-bit, synchronous binary counter and
verify that it counts in the right sequence, Can count up or down
and use any FF you desire; 4 screen shots in total: 1 for each
input combination