
In: Psychology

How does SES(socioeconomic status), education, and family dynamics affect your "life chances" (term from Max Weber)?

How does SES(socioeconomic status), education, and family dynamics affect your "life chances" (term from Max Weber)?


Expert Solution

Life chance is nothing but how an individual uses his or her opportunities they encounter in their life to develop their life quality. This concept was first coined by the sociologist named MAX WEBER. He says that life chances are directly proportional to the individuals socio economic status. Every individual in their life, are not achieving success becuae they might have not used their opportunity wisely, those who achieve success are the one who have wisely used their chances given to them properly. The reason why they have not used it wisely might because of they family dynamics, education etc., for instance if a person given a chance to go to abroad to increse his field knowledge in his major and if he uses this chance then it will help him to get a great job in their major field but since it cost more and if the individual's family situation is that they cannot afford it or if his family is not well educated to understand how much is it important for him etc., then he might miss this chance where he cannot get these kind of chance afterwards so her the family and economic situation plays a major role in his life chances. So of course SES, education and family dynamics plays a major role in LIFE CHNACES

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