
In: Psychology

What factors contribute towards teens contemplating suicide? Describe what you should do if you suspect someone...

What factors contribute towards teens contemplating suicide? Describe what you should do if you suspect someone is contemplating suicide. Discuss what interventions or treatment facilities IN 350-400 WORDS


Expert Solution

suicide means ends of own life or act act of killing yourself.when people are extremly get hopless,arrested by depression,anxiety and mental illness then they think there is no any purpose or way to live in this earth and finished their through doing several unsocial acetivites like drink poision,hanging etc.suicide is very complex issue not involving single factor but attribute enormous factor.Teen age people prone very much towards the suicide.some major factor which contribute towards teens completing suicide which are listed below.

1.MAJOR DISAPPIONTMENT: Such major disappionment factor such failure in examination( accordin 2013 report, 2658 is committed suicide for failure in examination),sports,cheated by boyfriend or girlfriend( IN INDIA 4168 teen suicide in love affaire), are very crucial factor to contempleting teen towards suicide.they inculcate such kind misconception that nothing is worthy for them and to end their life is good decision.

2.INFLUENCE OF BROKEN FAMILIES: such families where parents are divorced or live in separate or not concerned about their chilld ,Then child are abstain from proper psychological needs such love ,affection ,and they are totally isolated from social gathering or friend circle.they think that they are not aceptable.this kinds of mental attitude lead to contempling suicide.In india this cases widely noticeble specially in mumbai,bangalor,delhi.

3.STRESS; In recent report says that in INDIA every hour one student are commited suicide. some time teen are victimized in physical or sextual abusive or crime.3.3% teen girls in india are arrested by these crime.therefore it leads then depression or stress for long term which lead tp commited suicide.


Drug or alcohol abuse can lead to impulsive behavior, especially if a teen is haunted by other problems such as a mental disorder or family difficulties. Like adults who turn to alcohol or drugs, teens may believe that substance abuse will bring them relief from surrounding difficulties, but it only worsens the problems. Substance abuse and mental disorders play prominent roles in a majority of suicides, Kids Health notes.

i will play following role if sucpect some one is contempleting suicide.

!.firstly i would suggest him that life give you number of don not finished your or killed life is not solution of problem.. failure is part of our life not ending point.we will boost their confidence and again move on towards sucess. so i will try always to inspired them and make realize them importance of life.

2.i will firstly try to understand what will be the major cause to contempleting himsuicide and dedicatedly try to solve their prblem.sometime i will consult with his family member also.

3.such kind mental disoreder or mental illness can be removeed through meditation and healty life style i will recommeded to change life style and maintain proper discipline.

4.i will take him to psychritist or councellor to for talk therapy, also known as psychotherapy, is one possible e treatment method for lowering your risk of committing suicide.

following interventions or treatment facilities are availbe

1.firstly findout the causes of commited suicide then should take interven.suppsose a child is addicted in drugs or alchohol, then we should provide major medical Treatment medications, such as methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone.

2.GO TO YOUR APPOINTMENT:.Don't skip therapy sessions or doctor's appointments, even if you don't want to go or don't feel like you need to.

3.LEARN ABOUT YOUR CONDITION.: Learning about your condition can empower and motivate you to stick to your treatment plan. If you have depression, for instance, learn about its causes and treatments.There fore you undestand how can you overcome of contemplting suicide condition.

4.ELIMINATE POTENTIAL TO KELLING YOURSELF: If you think you might act on suicidal thoughts, immediately get rid of any potential means of killing yourself, such as firearms, knives or dangerous medications.

5.In emergency cases call local number for immidiate help.

6.parents should consult with psychologist in early stage found any mental disorder like hypomanic episode disorder,anxiety disorder etc.then psychologist can provide major treatment for recovering the child

7.Some individuals may obtain benefit from psychotropic medications, which might be prescribed temporarily along with therapy.

8.Behavioral therapies can help motivate people to participate in drug treatment, offer strategies for coping with drug cravings, teach ways to avoid drugs and prevent relapse, and help individuals deal with relapse if it occurs. Behavioral therapies can also help people improve communication, relationship, and parenting skills, as well as family dynamics.

today we live in 21st centruy where life is getting so dynamic ,and materialistic.many parents are not concious about child condition. so they should be more protective and carefull to recover the teen from contempleting tendency of suicide.

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