
In: Computer Science

What would a comparison matrix look like between: MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, and SQLite based on the...

What would a comparison matrix look like between:

MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, and SQLite

based on the following information:

current version, operating system, cost, written in, licensing, graphical management tools, and maximum number of records


Expert Solution

Comparison matrix amongst MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, and SQLite based on the current version, Operating System (OSs), cost, written in, licensing, graphical management tools, and the maximum number of records information:

Information MySQL Microsoft SQl (MSSQL) Oracle SQLite
Current version 8.0.21 SQL Server 2019 Oracle Database 19c 3.33.0
Operating System (OS) Linux, Solaris, macOS, Windows, FreeBSD, etc. Linux, Microsoft Windows Server, Microsoft Windows Oracle Retail Data Model runs on Linux, Solaris SPARC , AIX 5L Based Systems , and HP-UX Itanium. Cross-platform. Windows 10, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Linux, Google's Android, Symbian OS, etc.

Free and open-source software. However,

MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition = $10,000

MySQL Enterprise Edition = $5,000

MySQL Standard Edition = $2,000

SQL Server 2019 versions:

SQL Server Enterprise edition: $13, 748

SQL Server Standard edition - per core: $3,586

SQL Server Standard edition Server Licensing: $899

SQL Server Developer edition: Free

SQL Server Express edition: Free

Enterprise Edition = $47,500 per unit.

Standard Edition = $17,500 per unit.

Standard Edition One = $5,800 per unit.

The code for SQLite is free.
Written in C and C++ C and C++ Assembly language, C, and C++. C language.
Licensing Proprietary or  GPLv2. Proprietary software. Proprietary Public domain
Graphical management tools Supports Graphical User Interfaces (GUI), MySQL Workbench, other GUI tools, and third-party proprietary, and free graphical administration applications are available. SQL Server Management Studio with GUI tool and graphical tools.

The GUI is in Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express.

Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) is a GUI utility.

A graphical database manager is available implemented by Tcl/Tk. SQLite tool is a free GUI client used for the SQLite database.

There are many other free to commercial GUI tools for managing SQLite databases.

SQLiteStudio is a free GUI tool.

Maximum number of records

MySQL maximum row-size limit = 65,535.

Number of rows =  1,073,741,824.

Can support 50 million records.

Virtually no limit on the number of records in a single table.

The total number objects in a database should not exceed 2,147,483,647.

Unlimited number of rows per table.

A maximum of 1000 columns per table.

The maximum number of rows allowed in a table is 264.

The maximum db size is 281 TB.

Hence, millions of records can be stored.

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