
In: Psychology

What are telomeres? How do they affect the aging process?​ Answer must be in essay and...

What are telomeres? How do they affect the aging process?​ Answer must be in essay and paragraph form.


Expert Solution

Anaswer is as follows:

TElomeres are sections of DNA found at the ends of each of our chromosomes.In humas the telomere sequence is TTAGGG.This sequence can repeated about 3,000 times and can reach upto 15,000 base pairs in length.The functioning of the telomere in our human body is ,first, they help to organise each of our 46 chromosomes in the nucleus control center of our cells.Second, by forming a cap they protect our chromosomes ,just like  the plastic tips at the end of shoelaces,this cap protects the chromosomes to not stick with other chromosomes .Third,they allow the chromosome to be replicated properly during cell division.

Each time a cell divides, 25-200 bases are lost from the ends of the telomeres on each chromosome.Telomeres shorten as we get older causing aging in our cells.We receive telomeres from our parents, but no matter the length of our telomeres at birth, it get shorter as they age. There are two main factors contribute to telomere shortening during cell division,that is

  • The “end replication problem” during DNA replication: Accounts for the loss of about 20 base pairs per cell division.
  • Oxidative stress: The amount of oxidative stress in the body is thought to be affected by lifestyle factors such as diet,obesity ,lack of exercise , smoking and stress. :Accounts for the loss of between 50-100 base pairs per cell division.

Thus ,Shorter telomeres have a negative effect on our health.Telomere shortening is the main cause of age-related break down of our cells.Due to the shortening,the chromosome reaches a ‘critical length’ and can no longer be replicated. Tissues get degenerate and eventually die,due to no longer reproduction in cells .Some cells, like those found in the skin, hair and immune system are most affected due to this problem.However, it is not certain whether telomere shortening is responsible for ageing in humans or whether it is just a sign of ageing, like grey hair.some indicators said  Telomere length is a good predictor of lifespan. telomere length is maintained or even lengthened over time as our body contain cells like ,germ cells and stem cells ,which includes active telomeres.So in this way it affects our aging process .

If you need some more explaination ,then tell me in comments..

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