
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Matching the characteristic with the nervous system. A.Uses motor units B.Cell bodies are in the dorsal...

Matching the characteristic with the nervous system.

A.Uses motor units

B.Cell bodies are in the dorsal root ganglia

C.Registering heat of the sun on the skin

D.Causes contraction of the gut

E.Cell bodies are in the ventral horn of the spinal cord

F.The optic nerve is part of this system

G.The trochlear nerve is part of this system

H.Uses the rami communicantes

●Central nervous system

●Sensory division

●Somatic motor nervous system

●Autonomic nervous system


Expert Solution

The nervous system is the complex part of any animal which coordinates sensory and different action by transmitting the signal from different part of the body. They are responsible to detect the environmental changes that impact the body. The Nervous system is divided into two main parts including the brain and spinal cord. Component of the nervous system is formed of the nerve from the spinal cord that extends to a different part of the body.

Here is the correct match of the column-

A.Uses motor units-Central nervous system

B. Cell bodies are in the dorsal root ganglia--Central nervous system

C.Registering heat of the sun on the skin-Sensory division

D.Causes contraction of the gut-Autonomic nervous system

E. Cell bodies are in the ventral horn of the spinal cord-Central nervous system

F. The optic nerve is part of this system---Central nervous system

G.The trochlear nerve is part of this system-Somatic motor nervous system

H.Uses the rami communicates-Sensory division

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