In: Electrical Engineering
Task 2 (P1.2)
For this task you are required to summarize the use of microcontrollers in each of the following applications. Indicate the general purpose and the main advantage of using a microcontroller.
Arcade games
Mechanical dolls (for example, Tickle Me Elmo)
Toy drones
Each of these must be at least one written paragraph. You are required to cite your sources.
An arcade game is usually a entertainment machine typically installed in public businesses such as restaurants, bars, malls etc. Most of the times these are coin operated. Using a microcontroller in the system enables it to identify when and what remuneration value is given to the machine and will then result in the machine operation. The Micro Controller also enables Plug 'N Play gaming system that can plugs it directly into your TV. Using microcontrollers, one can create their own arcade game sounds as well which can be played by a piezoelectric speaker.
A mechanical doll, like Tickel me Elmo requires microprocessors and sensors for its operation. Pressure sensors or press buttons when fitted on any place of the mechanical dolls should snd a single to the microcontroller to play a particular sound which is programmed into the board. Making such a doll requires some of the basic principles of robotics namely using switches to sense, feeding this data into a microcontroller, which then governs the vibrating/laughing/moving response. The sounds and movements the doll makes will also come from a sequence of switches.
To make toy drones, microcontrollers serve as the heart of the system. To run the motor that makes the drone fly, it has to be controlled with a microcontroller. The flight controller of the drone would be essentially made around a microcontroller and other peripheries which will eventually control the operation of the drone. It would also require gyrometer and accelerometer.