In: Economics
What is in the GDP?
Busy Moms pay $20.00 to buy the new best seller, "How to feed Your teenager Junk Food."
counted as consumption (C) |
Counted as I (investment) |
Not Counted since it is bad advice |
counted as G (government spending) |
Your dad's store sells $5,000 of plate glass for housing construction
counted as I (investment) |
Not counted (intermediate good) |
counted as Investment business inventory |
not counted, not a market activity |
Cover-Up cosmetics has an unsold inventory of $30,000
Not counted, intermediate goods |
not counted, not a market acivity |
counted as Investment |
counted as Consumption, since not used yet. |
PepsiCo donates $20,000 to your soccer team
counted as a tax deductable item in GDP |
counted as consumption |
counted as Investment |
not counted, not a market activity |
McDonalds buys a new fryer cooker for $1500
counted as Investment |
counted as consumption, since it will be used in a consumer product |
not counted, intermediate product |
counted as transfer payment to McDonalds |
You buy three shares of Google for $3,000
counted as Investment |
not counted |
counted as consumption |
counted as transfer payment |
You buy a brand new Kia car from a dealer in New Jersey for $15,000; the car was produced in South Korea
added to GDP as an import |
not counted in the GDP |
counted as a consumer good |
counted as an international transfer |
You get your hair cut at a barber shop for $100.
counted as consumption (C) |
counted as a 'Service' in the Consumption category |
counted as an investment since you look so good |
both answers a and b are correct |
A Japanese company buys 50 computers for their cloud services
not counted since computers are being used abroad |
counted as business inventory |
counted as an export |
not counted |
John buys a "hot" (i.e. stolen) $500 car stereo for $50
only $50 will be counted in GDP since that is what you paid for it |
$500 will be counted towards GDP, since that is the real price |
not counted, illegal activity |
only $450 will be counted. |
a) Option A Counted as Consumption
This is included in GDP as Consumption Expenditure. The mom has bought the book for personal use ie for reading it and gaining some knowledge.Final consumption expenditure is the term used for the component of GDP or gross domestic product that refers to all of the money that Americans spend on goods and services intended to meet individual needs.
b) Option B Not counted as intermediate good
Sale of plate glass worth $5000 is not included in GDP as it is an intermediate good. Intermediate goods are goods that are not sold to final customer.
c) Option C counted as Investment.
Unsold output goes into inventory and is counted as inventory investment for the purpose of calculation of GDP.
d) Option D not counted not a market activity.
Because GDP measures the market value of newly produced goods and services. When PepsiCo donates $20000 to Soccer team, this is not a good or a service. So it is not counted. GDP is not a measure of utils or welfare or whatever.