In: Math
Please as soon as possible
Topic: How do CO2 emissions vary globally?
Two specific questions:
• Do countries with higher CO2 emissions also have large agricultural sectors?
• Do CO2 emissions vary by geographic region?
This is an Excel file:
Read the dataset into R and extract the data that you will need for this analysis. You can extract the columns by referring to them by name or by number. Provide the code that you use to do this.
#Read CSV file
allglobal <- read.csv(file.choose())
#Extract chosen columns using names
Assignment 2 global <- allglobal[, c("Country", "Region", "GDP", "TaxRevenue")]
#Extract chosen columns using column numbers global <- allglobal[, c(1, 3, 12, 30)]
#Inspect data head(global)
Explore your two questions using appropriate summary statistics and graphs. The following structure is recommended for each question:
• Clearly state the question being analysed (e.g. with a heading)
• Summary statistics and graphs. In the example above, you might use R idiom such as
– mean(global$GDP) or maybe median(global$GDP) (why the difference)?
– hist(global$GDP)
– boxplot(GDP~Region, data=global) . . .
although in this case you might be better off using logarithmic axes, boxplot(GDP~Region, data=global, log=’y’)
you should include at least 3 different types of graphs and 4 different summary statistics. Marks will only be awarded if the graphs, summary statistics and explanations are correct and appropriate.
Thank you so muuch!!