
In: Psychology

essay on the negatives of the mass shooting and how mass shooting impacted our society, based...

essay on the negatives of the mass shooting and how mass shooting impacted our society, based on the mass shooting in Douglas high school Florida


Expert Solution

Introduction: America is an individualistic culture which regards individual rights over society's welfare. This has resulted in a chaos where lots of individuals misuse this freedom an engage in illegal and anti-social behaviors. The government is struggling hard to control mass shootings without much help. The alarming thing is that 40% of US household has guns at home, thus making guns at a reachable distance and in the vicinity of the children. People are mentally affected by the shooting and started losing trust on the school safety and government's action I. Controlling the shootings.

Need for strict Laws - America needs strict Laws in controlling the availability of guns. If that's done atleast few maniacs who gets guns easily for a killing spree will be stopped.

Counselling - The need for identifying children and adolescents who have Behavioural issues at the very beginning and counsel them on time. If counseling doesn't work, they need to be taken away from the school or college.

Frequent offenders and suspects - Police need to search and detain people who are frequent offenders and suspects. They need to be severely punished in order to save more life in the future or they need to be quarantined.

Counseling for parents - There should be a mechanism for counseling the parents and let them know that how their behaviors affect the child.

Conclusion - Mass shootings are carried out by people who have some mental disorder, so, the government needs act before it's too late with the help of the academic institutions. It brings lots of pain and loss for the country and the families of the victims.

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