
In: Computer Science

How is our increasing connecticity affecting society? Can you quit your smartphone? 500 word essay

How is our increasing connecticity affecting society? Can you quit your smartphone? 500 word essay


Expert Solution

The introduction of the World Wide Web in 1989 revolutionized the field of information technology as well as the telecommunication. No person was too much away from their loved ones no more. Then came the era of social networking sites that facilitated the people to connect over thousands of miles without knowing each other that is still ruling the internet age. People could literally talk with strangers, they could share their photos and videos with their friends over the internet. People started having relationships with strangers on the basis of these conversations that they had on these social networking sites. But gradually people started to get addicted to social networking sites. This is because they started to ignore the family, friends, and neighbors as they are so busy to please their internet friends all the time and that is the reason that they do not have time for their family and children.

Social networking sites are really good when it comes to connecting people but the problem occurs when people get lost in the virtual world of social networking sites. There have been numerous cases of people using fake profiles and fooling people on social media, such type of incidents are the supreme cause behind the sense of alienation and depression among people in recent times. It is not just the faking the identity on these kinds of sites but another important factor is that on these sites anyone can say or write whatever he/she wants, in other words, the scope of censorship is very low when it comes to social networking sites. There have been cases when the cyber terrorists used these kinds of sites to recruit terrorists for the terrorist organization. These cyber terrorists exploited the connectivity provided by these sites as the vulnerability to achieve their goals.

Connectivity provided by the internet has made us so much dependent on the internet that even for very small tasks we have to use our smartphones. It has become impossible for people these days to spend some time without using their smartphones. If you want to do shopping, you can do that on your phone, if you want to do banking, that you can do on your phone too. It is making people lazy and it is limiting their interaction with the outside world. No one wants to come to fields to play since they already have so many addictive games installed on their smartphones. They only talk to their parents when they want something from them and elderly and old aged people are the ones who are hugely affected by this since they do not know how to use the internet and the youth is not willing to spend the time with them, as they are busy playing games and making friends on social networking sites.

When there was no internet people used to come out together to discuss issues, celebrate festivities but the boon of connectivity has made this a rare sight to observe. Since the banking and other transactions are taking place online, this has given rise to cybercrimes. People sometimes share their credentials on the internet unknowingly and that is exploited by cyber terrorists. When the internet was introduced, the connectivity it was offering was a boon to society but it is becoming a curse day by day since the cyber crimes are skyrocketing, lack of censorship and the alienation and depression it causes to society.

Here's the solution to your problem. Thanks for asking and happy learning!!!!

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