
In: Anatomy and Physiology

A patient has been brought to the ED with the following symptoms: (a) reports feeling sick,...

A patient has been brought to the ED with the following symptoms: (a) reports feeling sick, (b) weak, (c) cold at times and hot others, (d) nauseated, (e) confused and at times afraid, without a specific reason why, (f) thirsty, and (g) short of breath. Nothing in his history gives clear direction of what might be happening. His blood gases reveal respiratory alkalosis. Vital signs are HR 95 RR 40 BP 100/60. The doctor states the patient exhibits shock symptoms.

Question: Define shock and explain the implications


Expert Solution

ok so here a case of shock where as shock defines as a psychological or physiological shock.

this can occurs due to acute anxiety or stress which is traumatic event and can cause emotional response and physical response as well.

pateint may show sudden emergency symtoms due to the sudden shock condition due to stress and anxiety and shock occurs when you dont have enough blood circulating to your organs or there are also different types of shock

sometimes body prepares for flight and fight response and due to delayed response from body sudden such conditions can occur because of stress.

now if we coorelate first then if we notice the pyschogenic shock it shows emotional and physical symtoms such as

feeling sick and weakness with feeling of hot and cold at other time due to the secretion of adrenaline and homeostatic disturbance nauseated and afraid without reason , irregular heath beats and rapid and swallow breathing which feels hard to respire and shortness of breath and can show condition of respiratory alkalosis

heart beat can be rapid and increased respiratory rate and disturbed blood pressure.


so due to the anxiety fear can also show the symtpoms of shock.

shock have many emergency symptoms like nausea rapid heartebeat , rapid confusion thirst and dry mouth chest pain cool clammy skin etc;

when body goes or suffers from the prolonged fear or stress cortisol hormones effects the every system of body with haemodynamic imbalance and due to acute stress also sometimes due to sudden changes in body and adrenaline causes the body to show such shock symptoms'

shock can be of different types but when due to any conditions organs doesnot get proper blood body can show shock symptoms.

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