In: Operations Management
What are nintendo products? What are there life cycle? What are there prices?
What are Nintendo competitors products? What are there life cycle? What are there prices?
Nintendo’s main business product includes video game console as well as its accessories and game titles that it produces specifically for these consoles. Their main offering includes the Gameboy, including the game boy micro, The Nintendo ds, the 3ds xl as well as larger consoles such as the wiiU and the Nintendo switch. The typical shelf life of these products is 3 to years while the life cycle of the product can vary between 5 to 10 years, depending on the use by its user.
The pricing is as follows:-
Nintendo Ds 3ds = $200
Nintendo switch = $299
Their main competition comes from 2 different companies mainly Microsoft/sony which each their own separate and unique offering. Where the Microsoft has their Xbox offering mainly Xbox one and Xbox one S, Sony has their PlayStation offering with the PlayStation Vita as well as the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 4 Pro
The typical life cycle for these products is from somewhere around 4-8 years depending on the availability of a new product as well as the factor of wear and tear. We have to notice that Sony, with their PlayStation offering, typically claims somewhere around 4 to 5 years worth of gameplay with every PlayStation 4 purchase.
The prices are as follows:-
XBox one = $300
XBox one s = $400
Playstation 4 = $300
Playstation 4 pro = $400