
In: Computer Science

Write a Java application "". Start with the file attached here. Please read the comments and...

Write a Java application "". Start with the file attached here.
Please read the comments and complete the function 'isWellFormed()'. It also has the main() to test the function with several input strings. Feel free to change and add more tests with different kinds of input data for correct implementation.
Note that you need and in the same package.

package apps;

public class WellFormedExpression {
   static boolean isWellFormed(String s) {
       /**** Create a stack for Characters ****/
       char ch;
       for(int i=0; i<s.length();i++) {
           ch = s.charAt(i);
//           System.out.println(ch);              
           if ch is a opening bracket, then push it to the stack
           else if ch is a closing bracket
                   if stack is empty, return false
                   if stack.pop() does not match the closing bracket, return false
           else ignore (do nothing)
           Assume that only three kinds of brackets are used - (), {}, []
       // Here all characters are read. The stack should be empty to return true.
       return false; // change this to your need.
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // Example of using MyStack for Character
//       MyStack<Character> st = new MyStack<Character>();
//       st.push('a');
//       st.push('b');
//       System.out.println(st.pop());
//       System.out.println(st.isEmpty());
//       System.out.println(st.pop() == 'a');
       System.out.println(isWellFormed("(ab)")); // good
//       System.out.println(isWellFormed("(1+2)[]{3* 4}")); // good
//       System.out.println(isWellFormed("([]){}")); // good
//       System.out.println(isWellFormed("(((())))")); // good
//       System.out.println(isWellFormed("]")); // bad
//       System.out.println(isWellFormed("( xx [xxx) xx]")); // bad
//       System.out.println(isWellFormed("(()")); // bad
//       System.out.println(isWellFormed("())")); // bad

package apps;

public interface StackInterface<E> {
   void push(E e);
   E pop();
   E peek();
   boolean isFull();
   boolean isEmpty();

package apps;

public class MyStack<E> implements StackInterface<E>{
   E[] elements;
   int top;
   public MyStack() {
       elements = (E[]) new Object[5];
       top = 0;
   private void enlarge() {
       E[] new_elements = (E[]) new Object[elements.length*2];
       for(int i=0; i<top; i++)
           new_elements[i] = elements[i];
       elements = new_elements;
   public void push(E e) {
       elements[top++] = e;
   public E pop() {
           return null;
       return elements[top-- -1];
   public E peek() {
           return null;
       return elements[top-1];
   public boolean isFull() { return top == elements.length;}
   public boolean isEmpty() { return top == 0;}


Expert Solution

package apps;

public class WellFormedExpression {
    static boolean isWellFormed(String s) {
        /**** Create a stack for Characters ****/
        MyStack<Character> st = new MyStack<Character>();
        char ch;
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
            ch = s.charAt(i);
            // System.out.println(ch);
             * if ch is a opening bracket, then push it to the stack
             * else if ch is a closing bracket if stack is empty, return false if
             * stack.pop() does not match the closing bracket, return false else ignore (do
             * nothing)
             * Assume that only three kinds of brackets are used - (), {}, []
            /** if ch is open bracket push to stack */
            if (ch == '(' || ch == '[' || ch == '{') {
            /** if ch is closed bracket check if st.pop has its respective opening bracket */
            else if (ch == ')') {
                if (st.isEmpty() || st.pop() != '(') {
                    return false;
            else if (ch == ']') {
                if (st.isEmpty() || st.pop() != '[') {
                    return false;
            else if (ch == '}') {
                if (st.isEmpty() || st.pop() != '{') {
                    return false;

        // Here all characters are read. The stack should be empty to return true.
        if (st.isEmpty()) {  // stk will be empty only if all open and closed brackets are correctly matched
            return true;
        return false; // change this to your need.

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Example of using MyStack for Character
        // MyStack<Character> st = new MyStack<Character>();
        // st.push('a');
        // st.push('b');
        // System.out.println(st.pop());
        // System.out.println(st.isEmpty());
        // System.out.println(st.pop() == 'a');

        /** output is true if it is well formed and false if it is not */
        System.out.println(isWellFormed("(ab)")); // good
        System.out.println(isWellFormed("(1+2)[]{3* 4}")); // good
        System.out.println(isWellFormed("([]){}")); // good
        System.out.println(isWellFormed("(((())))")); // good
        System.out.println(isWellFormed("]")); // bad
        System.out.println(isWellFormed("( xx [xxx) xx]")); // bad
        System.out.println(isWellFormed("(()")); // bad
        System.out.println(isWellFormed("())")); // bad

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