
In: Computer Science

Hello, Please write this program in java and include a lot of comments and please try...


Please write this program in java and include a lot of comments and please try to make it as simple/descriptive as possible since I am also learning how to code. The instructions the professor gave was:

Create your own class

  • Your own class can be anything you want

  • Must have 3 instance variables

  • 1 constructor variable → set the instance variables

  • 1 method that does something useful in relation to the class

  • Create a driver class that creates an object ( the object is referred to the method above)

  • Call the method that I created using the object

An example she gave was using like a student class because it has many variables such as grades, classification, major, etc.


Expert Solution

Implementation In JAVA:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

//Driver class
public class Student_Driver {

//   main method or driver method
   public static void main(String[] args) {
//       list consists of Students
       ArrayList<Students> list= new ArrayList<Students>();
//   create instance of Scanner class for taking inputs from users  
       Scanner s= new Scanner(;
       System.out.println("Enter the Details of 5 Students of class");
//       take details of 5 students so looping untill 5
       for(int i=0;i<5;i++) {
           System.out.println("Enter the details of "+(i+1)+"th Student : ");
//           take details from user as input
           System.out.print("Enter the Name of Student : ");
           System.out.print("Enter the Roll no of Student : ");
           int roll=s.nextInt();
           System.out.print("Enter the Grade of Student : ");
           double grade=s.nextDouble();
//           create instance of Students class and pass arguments
//           in Constructor of Students class
           Students st= new Students(name,roll,grade);
//           add instance of Students class in List for future refrence
//       showing details of Students
       System.out.println("Student of whole class with details : ");
//       will print details of Students
       for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++) {
//           Store instance/object of Student class and
           Students st = list.get(i);
//           and call the function in Students class for printing details
// will call the function average_grades_of_whole_class from driver class
System.out.println("The Average grades of whole class is "+average_grades_of_whole_class(list));
//   made static because directly access into main
   public static double average_grades_of_whole_class(ArrayList<Students> list) {
//       will store sum of all grades
       double sum=0;
//       loop untill list.size
       for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++) {
           Students st = list.get(i);
//           call getgrade for every student and store in sum
//       getting average
       double avg=sum/list.size();
//       return avg.
       return avg;


// class Student
class Students{
//   Instance variables declared private so
//   no one from outside access them
   private String name;
   private int roll_no;
   private double grade;
//   3 argument constructor
   public Students(String name,int roll_no,double grade) {
//       initialize variables;
//   now below are getters and setters through which we can access those variables
//   will return name
   public String getname() {
       return name;
//   will set name
public void setname(String name) {
// will return
public int getroll() {
   return roll_no;
// will set roll no.
public void setroll(int roll_no) {
// will return grade
public double getgrade() {
   return grade;
// will set grades
   public void setgrades(double grade) {
//   method that does something useful in relation to the class
//   this will print the details of Student
   public void to_String() {
       System.out.println("Name : "+name );
       System.out.println("Roll no. : "+roll_no );
       System.out.println("Grade : "+grade );



If you have any doubt regarding this question please ask mein comments


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