
In: Computer Science

Using Java create an application that will read a tab-delimited file that displays the MLB standings...

Using Java create an application that will read a tab-delimited file that displays the MLB standings Below:

League AL East

Tampa Bay 37 20

NY Yankees 32 24

Toronto 29 27

Baltimore 23 33

Boston 22 34

League AL Central

Minnesota 35 22

Chi White Sox 34 23

Cleveland 33 24

Kansas City 23 33

Detroit 22 32

League AL West

Oakland 34 21

Houston 28 28

LA Angels 26 31

Seattle 25 31

Texas 19 37

League NL East

Atlanta 34 22

Miami 28 28

Philadelphia 28 29

NY Mets 26 31

Washington 23 34

League NL Central

Chi Cubs 32 25

St. Louis 27 26

Cincinnati 29 28

Milwaukee 27 28

Pittsburgh 18 39

League NL West

LA Dodgers 39 17

San Diego 34 22

San Francisco 28 28

Colorado 25 31

Arizona 22 34

and display expanded standings in a nicely formatted way, like so:




Enter the name of the standings file:

Which standings would you like to see?

1. AL East

2. AL Central

3. AL West

4. NL East

5. NL Central

6. NL West

7. Overall

8. Exit

Enter the number of your choice: 1

Team Wins Losses Pct. Behind


Tampa Bay 37 20 0.649        

NY Yankees 32 24 0.571 4.5

Toronto 29 27 0.518 7.5

Baltimore 23 33 0.411 13.5

Boston 22 34 0.393 14.5

Which standings would you like to see?

1. AL East

2. AL Central

3. AL West

4. NL East

5. NL Central

6. NL West

7. Overall

8. Exit

Enter the number of your choice: 2

Team Wins Losses Pct. Behind


Minnesota 35 22 0.614        

Chi White Sox 34 23 0.596 1.0

Cleveland 33 24 0.579 2.0

Kansas City 23 33 0.411 11.5

Detroit 22 32 0.407 11.5


Expert Solution



import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.concurrent.*;

//Start code
class BaseballStandings {

   *This fucntion prints out the welcome banner
  public static void Welcome() {
    System.out.println(" BASEBALL STANDING ANALYZER");
  } //END welcome

   *This fucntion Will take in The scanner tool
   * Print out a list of choices to the user and then will ask the user for their choice
   *This choice will then be returned to the main
   *@return choice
  public static int MenuChoice(Scanner sc) {
    System.out.println("Which Standings would you like to see?"); //ask user
    System.out.println("1. AL East\n2. Al Central\n3. AL West"); //AL
    System.out.println("4. NL East\n5. NL Central\n6. NL West"); //nl
    System.out.println("7. Overall\n8. Exit"); //other
    System.out.print("Enter your choice: "); //enter choice
    int choice = sc.nextInt();
    return choice;
  } // end MenuChoice

   *This function will take in a string caleld line and then compute the average
   *It will do this by adding the wins and losses and then dividing wins by the total gamesPlayed
   *@return avg
  public static double getAvg(String line) {
    String[] parts = line.split("\t");
    double gamesPlayed =
      (Integer.parseInt(parts[1])) + (Integer.parseInt(parts[2]));
    double avg = (Integer.parseInt(parts[1])) / gamesPlayed;
    return avg;
  } //end getAvg

   *This fucntion will take choice 1-6 and order the teams by their win vs loss Percentage
   *This fucntion calls the fucntion getAvg to compute the averages and then order them.
   *This Fucntion will also print the results out in a easy to read list.
  public static void displayStats(ArrayList<String> standings) {
    String[] parts;
    double avg, gamesB; //variables for fucntion calls
    System.out.println("Teams: Wins: Loses: Pct: Games Behind:");
    for (String standing : standings) {
      parts = standing.split("\t");
      avg = getAvg(standing);
      //gamesB = gamesBehind(standings);
        "%-15s%-8s%-8s%6.2f \n ",

    } //end for
    //       System.out.println(standings);
  } //end displayStats

   *fucntion for ordering stats by winning percentage for option 7
   *It will take in the Teams and then order the teams by the PCT
   *It will print ou the team name which is aprts[0] and the average calculated by
  public static void displayStats2(ArrayList<String> standings) {
    String[] parts;
    double avg;
    System.out.println("Teams: Pct:");
    for (String standing : standings) {
      parts = standing.split("\t");
      avg = getAvg(standing);
      System.out.printf("%-15s%6.2f\n ", parts[0], avg);

    } //end for
    //       System.out.println(standings);
  } //end displayStats2

   *This Fucntion will sort the list by the average
   *It will use the fucntion getAvg to compare two averages and then order them
  public static void byAvg(ArrayList<String> teams, String line) {
    double avg1 = getAvg(line); //fucntion call
    double avg2;
    int pos = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < teams.size(); i++) {
      avg2 = getAvg(teams.get(i)); //fucntion call to getAvg to get average of two scores
      if (avg1 > avg2) {
        pos = i;
      } //end if
    if (pos < 0) {
    } else {
      teams.add(pos, line);
    } //end for Secondary if Loop

  //gamesBehind function
   public static double gamesBehind(ArrayList<String> standings) {
       String [] parts;
       String leaderTeam;
       double holder1, holder2, holder3;
       double newLeader;
       double stats; //will be return variable
       for(int i = 0; i < standings.size(); i++){
           parts = standing.split("\t");
           holder1 = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
           holder2 = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]);
           holder3 = holder1 - holder2
       //stats = 1; //test return
       return lead1;
   }//end gamesBehind
  public static void main(String[] args) {
     *This is the main part of the program and will open a file or reject it
     *take in the user choice and call fucntins for this
     * It will also take the users choice and designate the correct parts of the file
     *Fucntions used are: Welcome, menuChoice, byAvg, displayStats and displayStats2
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("Enter the name of the file: ");
    String fname = sc.nextLine(); //file name
    //create array lists
    ArrayList<String> aleast = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> alcentral = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> alwest = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> nleast = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> nlcentral = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> nlwest = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> target = null;
    ArrayList<String> overall = new ArrayList<String>(); //every team
    String line, sem;
    String[] parts;
    boolean goAhead;
    int choice;
    try {
      Scanner fsc = new Scanner(new File(fname));
      while (fsc.hasNextLine()) {
        line = fsc.nextLine();
        parts = line.split("\t");
        if (parts[0].equalsIgnoreCase("LEAGUE")) {
          sem = parts[1].toUpperCase();
          if (sem.equalsIgnoreCase("AL EAST")) {
            target = aleast;
          } else if (sem.equalsIgnoreCase("AL CENTRAL")) {
            target = alcentral;
          } else if (sem.equalsIgnoreCase("AL West")) {
            target = alwest;
          } else if (sem.equalsIgnoreCase("NL EAST")) {
            target = nleast;
          } else if (sem.equalsIgnoreCase("NL CENTRAL")) {
            target = nlcentral;
          } else if (sem.equalsIgnoreCase("NL WEST")) {
            target = nlwest;
        } else {
          byAvg(overall, line); //function call//
        } //end if
      } //end while
      Welcome(); //welcome banner
      fsc.close(); //close scanner
      goAhead = true;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      System.out.println("Couldn't read the file!");
      goAhead = false;
    } //end catch
    if (goAhead) {
      do {
        choice = MenuChoice(sc);
        if (choice == 1) {
        } else if (choice == 2) {
        } else if (choice == 3) {
        } else if (choice == 4) {
        } else if (choice == 5) {
        } else if (choice == 6) {
        } else if (choice == 7) {
        } //end else and if loop
      } while (choice != 8);
    } //end if
  } //end main
} //end program

League AL East
Tampa Bay 37 20
NY Yankees 32 24
Toronto 29 27
Baltimore 23 33
Boston 22 34
League AL Central
Minnesota 35 22
Chi White Sox 34 23
Cleveland 33 24
Kansas City 23 33
Detroit 22 32
League AL West
Oakland 34 21
Houston 28 28
LA Angels 26 31
Seattle 25 31
Texas 19 37
League NL East
Atlanta 34 22
Miami 28 28
Philadelphia 28 29
NY Mets 26 31
Washington 23 34
League NL Central
Chi Cubs 32 25
St. Louis 27 26
Cincinnati 29 28
Milwaukee 27 28
Pittsburgh 18 39
League NL West
LA Dodgers 39 17
San Diego 34 22
San Francisco 28 28
Colorado 25 31
Arizona 22 34

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