
In: Computer Science

Developer User Account Create a user account using T-SQL for developers named DEVELOPER with the password...

Developer User Account
Create a user account using T-SQL for developers named DEVELOPER with the password TESTACCOUNT that grants the user the ability to:
Select and modify any table.
Connect to and have access to all resources.



Expert Solution


Syntax for creating User is

CREATE USER <User_name> WITH PASSWORD = 'password'

So to create a user account using T-SQL for developers named DEVELOPER with the password TESTACCOUNT, command is


To grant the user the ability to: Select and modify any table.

Use <databasename>


GRANT SELECT, UPDATE on <databasename> to <username>

Assuming DBO is database name




Connect to and have access to all resources in SSMS.

In order to have access to all resources account should be Local system account which is administrative privilege account that has access to all resources in server

So first step to create a user with Local system account.

Steps to connect are:

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS), which makes dialog box - Connect to Server open.
  2. Give Server name, authentication.
  3. Give Login name and password and click Connect using admin.
  4. After connection, Object explorer comes.
  5. In object explorer, go to Security > Logins
  6. Right click on Logins to open New Login options
  7. Give Login name with $in the end to identify account as computer account not as normal user account. Example : Db$, Admin$.
  8. Select Server Role for left side pane and give sysadmin from right pane. This will make Local System Account.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Logout admin.
  11. Open SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS), which makes dialog box - Connect to Server open.
  12. Give Server name, authentication.
  13. Give Login name and password and click Connect using account just created.

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