
In: Computer Science

Using SQL Developer Question 1 Create a block to retrieve and display pledge and payment information...

Using SQL Developer

Question 1

Create a block to retrieve and display pledge and payment information for a specific donor. For each pledge payment from the donor, display the pledge ID, pledge amount, number of monthly payments, payment date, and payment amount. The list should be sorted by pledge ID and then by payment date. For the first payment made for each pledge, display “first payment” on that output row.

Question 2

Redo question 1, but use a different cursor form to perform the same task.


   idDonor number(4),
   Firstname varchar2(15),
   Lastname varchar2(30),
Typecode CHAR(1),
   Street varchar2(40),
   City varchar2(20),
   State char(2),
   Zip varchar2(9),
   Phone varchar2(10),
   Fax varchar2(10),
   Email varchar2(25),
News char(1),
   dtentered date DEFAULT SYSDATE,
   CONSTRAINT donor_id_pk PRIMARY KEY(idDonor) );
idProj number(6),
Projname varchar2(60),
Projstartdate DATE,
Projenddate DATE,
Projfundgoal number(12,2),
ProjCoord varchar2(20),
CONSTRAINT project_id_pk PRIMARY KEY(idProj),
CONSTRAINT project_name_uk UNIQUE (Projname) );
idStatus number(2),
Statusdesc varchar2(15),
CONSTRAINT status_id_pk PRIMARY KEY(idStatus) );   
idPledge number(5),
idDonor number(4),
Pledgedate DATE,
Pledgeamt number(8,2),
idProj number(5),
idStatus number(2),
Writeoff number(8,2),
paymonths number(3),
Campaign number(4),
Firstpledge char(1),
CONSTRAINT pledge_id_pk PRIMARY KEY(idPledge),
CONSTRAINT pledge_idDonor_fk FOREIGN KEY (idDonor)
REFERENCES dd_donor (idDonor),
CONSTRAINT pledge_idProj_fk FOREIGN KEY (idProj)
REFERENCES dd_project (idProj),
CONSTRAINT pledge_idStatus_fk FOREIGN KEY (idStatus)
REFERENCES dd_status (idStatus));   
idPay number(6),
idPledge number(5),
Payamt number(8,2),
Paydate DATE,
Paymethod char(2),
CONSTRAINT payment_id_pk PRIMARY KEY(idPay),
CONSTRAINT pay_idpledge_fk FOREIGN KEY (idPledge)
REFERENCES dd_pledge (idPledge) );   
INSERT INTO dd_donor
VALUES (301, 'Mary', 'Treanor', 'I','243 main St.', 'Norfolk', 'VA','23510',NULL,NULL,'[email protected]','Y','01-SEP-2012');
INSERT INTO dd_donor
VALUES (302, 'Patrick', 'Lee', 'I','11 Hooper St.', 'Norfolk', 'VA','23510','7572115445',NULL,'[email protected]','N','09-SEP-2012');
INSERT INTO dd_donor
VALUES (303, 'Terry', 'Venor', 'I','556 Loop Lane.', 'Chesapeake', 'VA','23320',NULL,NULL,'[email protected]','Y','18-SEP-2012');
INSERT INTO dd_donor
VALUES (304, 'Sherry', 'Pane', 'I','Center Blvd.', 'Virginia Beach', 'VA','23455',NULL,NULL,'[email protected]','Y','21-SEP-2012');
INSERT INTO dd_donor
VALUES (305, 'Thomas', 'Sheer', 'I','66 Train St.', 'Chesapeake', 'VA','23322','7579390022',NULL,'[email protected]','Y','01-MAR-2013');
INSERT INTO dd_donor
VALUES (306, NULL, 'Coastal Developers', 'B','3667 Shore Dr.', 'Virginia Beach', 'VA','23450','8889220004',NULL,'[email protected]','Y','30-SEP-2012');
INSERT INTO dd_donor
VALUES (307, NULL, 'VA Community Org', 'G','689 Bush Dr.', 'Norfolk', 'VA','23513','7578337467','7578337468','[email protected]','Y','03-OCT-2012');
INSERT INTO dd_donor
VALUES (308, 'Betty', 'Konklin', 'I','11 Shark Ln.', 'Virginia Beach', 'VA','23455','7574550087',NULL,'[email protected]','N','04-OCT-2012');
INSERT INTO dd_donor
VALUES (309, 'Jim', 'Tapp', 'I','200 Pine Tree Blvd.', 'Chesapeake', 'VA','23320','',NULL,'','N','08-OCT-2012');
INSERT INTO dd_donor
VALUES (310, NULL, 'Unique Dezigns', 'B','Connect Circle Unit 12', 'Chesapeake', 'VA','23320','7574442121',NULL,'[email protected]','Y','11-SEP-2012');
INSERT INTO dd_project
VALUES (500,'Elders Assistance League', '01-SEP-2012','31-OCT-2012',15000,'Shawn Hasee');
INSERT INTO dd_project
VALUES (501,'Community food pantry #21 freezer equipment', '01-OCT-2012','31-DEC-2012',65000,'Shawn Hasee');
INSERT INTO dd_project
VALUES (502,'Lang Scholarship Fund', '01-JAN-2013','01-NOV-2013',100000,'Traci Brown');
INSERT INTO dd_project
VALUES (503,'Animal shelter Vet Connect Program', '01-DEC-2012','30-MAR-2013',25000,'Traci Brown');
INSERT INTO dd_project
VALUES (504,'Shelter Share Project 2013', '01-FEB-2013','31-JUL-2013',35000,'Traci Brown');
INSERT INTO dd_status
VALUES (10,'Open');
INSERT INTO dd_status
VALUES (20,'Complete');
INSERT INTO dd_status
VALUES (30,'Overdue');
INSERT INTO dd_status
VALUES (40,'Closed');
INSERT INTO dd_status
VALUES (50,'Hold');
INSERT INTO dd_pledge
VALUES (100,303,'18-SEP-2012',80,500,20,NULL,0,738,'Y');
INSERT INTO dd_pledge
VALUES (101,304,'21-SEP-2012',35,500,20,NULL,0,738,'Y');
INSERT INTO dd_pledge
VALUES (102,310,'01-OCT-2012',500,501,20,NULL,0,749,'Y');
INSERT INTO dd_pledge
VALUES (103,307,'03-OCT-2012',2000,501,20,NULL,0,749,'N');
INSERT INTO dd_pledge
VALUES (104,308,'04-OCT-2012',240,501,10,NULL,12,749,'Y');
INSERT INTO dd_pledge
VALUES (105,309,'08-OCT-2012',120,501,10,NULL,12,749,'Y');
INSERT INTO dd_pledge
VALUES (106,301,'12-OCT-2012',75,500,20,NULL,0,738,'N');
INSERT INTO dd_pledge
VALUES (107,302,'15-OCT-2012',1200,501,10,NULL,24,749,'Y');
INSERT INTO dd_pledge
VALUES (108,308,'20-JAN-2013',480,503,10,NULL,24,790,'N');
INSERT INTO dd_pledge
VALUES (109,301,'01-FEB-2013',360,503,10,NULL,12,790,'N');
INSERT INTO dd_pledge
VALUES (110,303,'01-MAR-2013',300,504,10,NULL,12,756,'N');
INSERT INTO dd_pledge
VALUES (111,306,'01-MAR-2013',1500,504,20,NULL,0,756,'Y');
INSERT INTO dd_pledge
VALUES (112,309,'16-MAR-2013',240,504,10,NULL,12,756,'N');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1425,100,80,'18-SEP-2012','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1426,101,35,'21-SEP-2012','DC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1427,102,500,'01-OCT-2012','CH');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1428,103,2000,'03-OCT-2012','CH');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1429,106,75,'12-OCT-2012','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1430,104,20,'01-NOV-2012','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1431,105,10,'01-NOV-2012','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1432,107,50,'01-NOV-2012','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1433,104,20,'01-DEC-2012','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1434,105,10,'01-DEC-2012','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1435,107,50,'01-DEC-2012','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1436,104,20,'01-JAN-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1437,105,10,'01-JAN-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1438,107,50,'01-JAN-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1439,104,20,'01-FEB-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1440,105,10,'01-FEB-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1441,107,50,'01-FEB-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1442,108,20,'01-FEB-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1443,109,30,'01-FEB-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1444,104,20,'01-MAR-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1445,105,10,'01-MAR-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1446,107,50,'01-MAR-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1447,108,20,'01-MAR-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1448,109,30,'01-MAR-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1449,110,25,'01-MAR-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1450,111,1500,'01-MAR-2013','CH');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1451,104,20,'01-APR-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1452,105,10,'01-APR-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1453,107,50,'01-APR-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1454,108,20,'01-APR-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1455,109,30,'01-APR-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1456,110,25,'01-APR-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1457,112,20,'01-APR-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1458,104,20,'01-MAY-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1459,105,10,'01-MAY-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1460,107,50,'01-MAY-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1461,108,20,'01-MAY-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1462,109,30,'01-MAY-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1463,110,25,'01-MAY-2013','CC');
INSERT INTO dd_payment
VALUES (1464,112,20,'01-MAY-2013','CC');


Expert Solution

Question 1: SOLUTION

SELECT DD_Pledge.idPledge,Pledgeamt,paymonths,Paydate,Payamt,Firstpledge,
CASE WHEN Firstpledge='Y' THEN 'First payment'
from DD_Pledge,DD_Payment
where DD_Payment.idPledge=DD_Pledge.idPledge
order by DD_Pledge.idPledge,Paydate;

Question 2: SOLUTION

DECLARE @idPledge number
DECLARE @Pledgeamt number
DECLARE @paymonths number
DECLARE @Paydate date
DECLARE @Payamt number
DECLARE @Firstpledge char(1)
SELECT DD_Pledge.idPledge,Pledgeamt,paymonths,Paydate,Payamt,Firstpledge,
CASE WHEN Firstpledge='Y' THEN 'First payment'
from DD_Pledge,DD_Payment
where DD_Payment.idPledge=DD_Pledge.idPledge
order by DD_Pledge.idPledge,Paydate;
OPEN cur_emp
 FETCH NEXT FROM cur_emp INTO  @idPledge,@Pledgeamt,@paymonths,@Paydate,@Payamt,@Firstpledge
 WHILE @@Fetch_status = 0
 PRINT ''+ convert(varchar(20),@idPledge)+' ,'+convert(varchar(20),@Pledgeamt)+ ', '+convert(varchar(20),@paymonths)+','+convert(varchar(20),@Paydate)+', '
 convert(varchar(20),@Payamt)+', '+@Firstpledge
 FETCH NEXT FROM cur_emp INTO @idPledge,@Pledgeamt,@paymonths,@Paydate,@Payamt,@Firstpledge
CLOSE cur_emp

Thank you! if you have any queries post it below in the comment section I will try my best to resolve your queries and I will add it to my answer if required. Please give upvote if you like it.

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