
In: Computer Science

Create a program (Python) to ask the user to create a password: The user will...

  1. Create a program (Python) to ask the user to create a password:
    1. The user will first enter a password, then enters the same password again;
    2. If the second input is the same as first one, the user successfully creates the password. Print “Well done.”;
    3. Otherwise, the user will be directed to repeat the whole process (go to step 1.)


Expert Solution

#infinite loop to again asked for password and re-enter password till both the passwords are same
while True:
    print('Enter Password')  #ask user to enter password
    string1 = str(input())   #take input in string1
    print('Enter Password Again')  #ask user to re-enter password
    string2 = str(input())    #take input in string2
    if (string1 == string2):  #check if both the password are same or not
        break      #if same then break to come out of infinite loop
print('Well done!!!')   #print Well Done to console if both the passwords matches

program scrrenshot

output screen shot

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