
In: Chemistry

A quantity of ore consist of 90% (by weight) chalcopyrite mineral with a composition of CuFeS2....

A quantity of ore consist of 90% (by weight) chalcopyrite mineral with a composition of CuFeS2. The rest is inert quartz, SiO2. The ore is roasted by heating it in oxygen at 800oC. This process converts the ore into Fe2O3 and CuO. The two oxides are separated from each other and from the quartz using density differences and subsequently the oxides are reduced to the metal using carbon. A total of 323 kg of iron metal is obtained.

What is the mass of sulfur dioxide set free? _________ kg

What is the mass of carbon dioxide set free? _______kg

What is the mass of quartz tailings produced? ______ kg

Answers need to be within 1% accurate.
Molar masses: Fe: 55.8, Cu: 63.5, S: 32, O: 16, C: 12, Si: 28 [g/mol]


Expert Solution

reaction is as per the equations shown


Iron metal= 323kg

Moles of iron metal = 323/55.8 = 5.788 moles

4 moles iron is given by 2 moles Fe2O3

5.788 moles iron is given by 5.788*2/4 = 2.894moles of Fe2O3

(1)1 mole Fe2O3 gives 4 moles SO2 as by product

2.894 moles Fe2O3 gives =11.576 moles of SO2

=740.864 kg of SO2

(2) 1 mole Fe2O3 gives 2 moles Cuo

2.894 moles Fe2O3 gives 5.788 moles of CuO

2 moles Fe2O3 gives 3 moles CO2

2.894 moles give 4.341 moles of CO2

2 moles CuO gives 1mole CO2

5.788 moles give 2.894 moles CO2

Total Co2 = 7.208moles

= 7.208*44 = 317.152 kg

(3) 2 moles cufes2 gives 1 mole Fe2O3

2.894 moles moles is given by 5.788 moles of CuFeS2

Weight of CuFeS2 = 5.788*183.3= 1060.94 kg

This is 90% of the ore

Weight of the ore = 1060.9404*100/90

=1178.822 kg

Rest of the ore is quartz = 1178.822-1060.9404

=117.882 kg

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