
In: Operations Management

Conduct research to find a planning process or method used in today’s change management environment. There...

Conduct research to find a planning process or method used in today’s change management environment. There is more than one way to manage the change process, as you will see. Find a change process online or in other resources, then complete the following as part of your initial post:

•Identify the process.

•Explain how the process works.

•Reflect briefly on why this process works and may be better than others.

•Explain why an effective plan is key to the change management process.


Expert Solution

Identify the process: Transition of workplace from offline working to working from home

How the process works: The Coronavirus pandemic has halted the entire world. The companies are forced to opt for working from home so as to avoid the fear of virus transmission. Hence the entire workplace is being shifted to working from home. The collaboration for projects will be done online.

Reflect briefly on why this process works and may be better than others: Working from home or the process of telecommuting has proved to be quite beneficial for companies. The primary benefits of the process of telecommuting are as follows:

· Work life balance of the employees is getting facilitated

· The overall efficiency and productivity of employees is getting enhanced

· The infrastructural and administration costs of the company remains quite low

· The overall cost to company gets lowered

Explain why an effective plan is key to the change management process: Usually it is human tendency to oppose to any kind of change. They emerge as roadblocks in the change transition process. Hence it is necessary to develop an effective plan to facilitate the change management process and implement it effectively. An effective plan will think about all the risks and roadblocks which can influence the implementation process and come up with ways to mitigate the same.

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