
In: Statistics and Probability

You plan on exposing 9 strains of bacteria (labelled A - I) to a mutagen. You...

You plan on exposing 9 strains of bacteria (labelled A - I) to a mutagen. You hypothesize that mutagen A induces more mutations than mutagen B. Following each exposure, you count the mutations observed in the genome compare to the wild strain genotype. Figure out what kind of statistical test would be appropriate for this study.

Number mutations observed in genome
Mutation    A B    C    D E    F    G H I
Mutagen A 52 17 45 40 20 30 10    15    41

Mutagen B 59 15 63 40 17 45 32 20 40

What is your null and alternate hypothesis?  What are your statistical results?  Should you reject, or fail to reject, your null hypothesis? Why?


Expert Solution

SAMPLE 1 SAMPLE 2 difference , Di =sample1-sample2 (Di - Dbar)²
52 59 -7.000 0.049
17 15 2.000 77.049
45 63 -18.000 125.938
40 40 0.000 45.938
20 17 3.000 95.605
30 45 -15.000 67.605
10 32 -22.000 231.716
15 20 -5.000 3.160
41 40 1.000 60.494
sample 1 sample 2 Di (Di - Dbar)²
sum = 270 331 -61.000 707.556

mean of difference ,    D̅ =ΣDi / n =   -6.7778
std dev of difference , Sd =    √ [ (Di-Dbar)²/(n-1) =    9.4045

Ho :   µd=   0
Ha :   µd >   0

std error , SE = Sd / √n =    9.4045   / √   9   =   3.1348      
t-statistic = (D̅ - µd)/SE = (   -6.778   -   0   ) /    3.1348   =   -2.1621
Degree of freedom, DF=   n - 1 =    8                  
p-value =        0.9687 [excel function: =t.dist.rt(t-stat,df) ]               
Conclusion:     p-value>α , Do not reject null hypothesis                    

there is no evidence that mutagen A induces more mutations than mutagen B

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