In: Anatomy and Physiology
Cerebovascular Accidents can involve various ares of brain depending upon the blood vessel involved :
1) Occipital Lobe : Posterior cerbral Artery supply the occipital lobe and Unilateral CVA involving this artery lead to Homonymous hemianopia. CVA involving bilatral posterior cerebral artery will lead to tunnel vision.
2) Frontal lobe involvement leads to Aggressive, antisocial behaviour, personality change, Urge incontinence and Gait apraxia.
3) Temporal lobe involvement lead to Antegrade Amnesia, impared face recognition i.e. prosoprognosia, complete hallucinations, DejaVu and JamaiVu.
4) Partial Lobe lesion - lead to aphasia, acalculi, dysgraphia, finger agnosia.
In most of the people Left hemisphere is dominent hemisphere, CVA involving right and left side also have some different outcome.
Left parital lobe (dominet hemisphere) involvement lead to acalculi, dysgraphia, finger agnosia, aphasia.
While Right paritsl lobe (non dominent) involvement will lead to loss of visuo-spacial skills i e. Apraxia, and neglect of non dominent side of body.