Answer- Our nervous system adjusts blood volume and
blood flow in following manner-
The cardiovascular center forms part of the autonomic nervous
system and is responsible for regulation of cardiac output. It is
located in the medulla oblongata. The cardiovascular center
contains three distinct components-
The cardioaccelerator center, the cardioinhibitor center, and
the vasomotor center.
- The vasomotor center controls vessel tone or contraction of the
smooth muscle in the tunica media. Changes in diameter affect
peripheral resistance, pressure, and flow, which in turn affect
cardiac output. The majority of these neurons act via the release
of the neurotransmitters.
- The cardioaccelerator center stimulates cardiac function by
regulating heart rate and stroke volume via sympathetic stimulation
from the cardiac accelerator nerve.
- The cardioinhibitor center slows cardiac function by decreasing
heart rate and stroke volume via parasympathetic stimulation from
the vagus nerve.