
In: Biology

Considering that there are thousands of genes that influence thousands of traits are you surprised by...

Considering that there are thousands of genes that influence thousands of traits are you surprised by the amount of variability that you see in your own family or a family that you know (such as a famous family)? Why or why not? ( please give details of explanation)


Expert Solution

Yes !!! I am surprised by the amount of variability that i see in my own family or a family that i know (such as a famous family)

There are thousands of genes that influence thousands of traits. First we have to understand, how these traits are shared with our own family and how these traits come from.

The chemical known as DNA ( deoxyribonucleic acid ) carries the genetic information that gets passed from parents to offspring and gene is made from DNA.

Genes are organized into chromosomes and each chromosome has 100s or even 1000s of genes. When a sperm fertilizes an egg cell then each parent gives 23 chromosomes with its genetic information. Each cell of our body has 23 pairs of chromosomes that has instructions for our development and also our traits.

Genetic variation explain the variation in the DNA sequence in each of our genomes. Because of genetic variation we all are unique, may be in terms of hair colour, skin colour also shape of our face. Genetic variation is a result of subtle differences in our DNA.

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs ), type of genetic variation amongst people.
Each single nucleotide polymorphism shiws a difference in a single DNA base such as A, C, G or T in a person’s DNA.

Genetic variation results in different forms or alleles of genes. For instance, if we consider eye colour, people with blue eyes have one allele of the gene for eye colour, whereas people with brown eyes will have a different allele of the gene.
So we conclude that eye colour is determined by our genes and variation that occurs will be due to the genes inherited from our parents due to different forms or alleles of genes.

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