
In: Biology

Drosophila has three linked autosomal genes that determine different traits. These genes are black (b), vestigial...

Drosophila has three linked autosomal genes that determine different traits. These genes are black (b), vestigial (vg), and singed(sn). Each of the three genes has two alleles: a dominant wild type allele, indicated by a "+" (plus) and a recessive mutant allele indicated by a "-" (minus). (These mutant alleles cause dark black spots, short "vestigial" wings, and bent "singed" hairs, respectively, when homozygous). A testcross is conducted between females that all have the same genotype and are triple heterozygotes for the three genes, and males that are all homozygous mutant for all three genes. Here are the numbers of progeny from the testcross, of each of the different possible phenotypes:

Group     Phenotype       Number

   1 b+ vg - sn- 638

   2 b+ vg + sn- 2768

   3 b- vg + sn+ 621

   4 b+ vg + sn+ 9

   5 b+ vg-   sn+ 126

   6 b-   vg -   sn- 7

   7 b- vg + sn- 132

   8 b- vg - sn+ 2699

Total # progeny = 7000

In the answer box below, give your answers to parts A and B.

A. From the data above, determine the genotype of the triple heterozygous females used in the testcross; in your genotype, be sure to include the proper order of the genes on the chromosomes. Indicate the genotype with a slash between the two homologous chromosomes (8 points)

(Example of format for an answer: a+ b- c- / a- b+ c+
but use b, vg and sn instead of a, b and c, and put them in the correct order with the correct + and - alleles on the same homologue)

B. Type in three equations, numbered 1, 2, and 3. each with the proper numbers for calculating the genetic distances between the genes indicated (You do not need to complete the calculation.) (6 points)

1. black (b) and vestigial (vg)

2. vestigial (vg) and singed (sn)

3. black (b) and singed (sn)

Format for each answer: For example, if to determine the distance for #1, between black and vestigial, you think you should add the progeny in group 4 and the progeny in group 5 and divide by the total number of progeny, type this as your answer:
1. 9+126/7000 (Of course, this is not the correct answer for #1!)


Expert Solution

Answer has been attached below. Hope this will help

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