In: Psychology
9.What is the difference, according to our founders, between democracy and republicanism?
What roles did the home front play during the war?
. Why is Shays' rebellion important?
How was slavery impacted by the American Revolution?
Why did New York hesitate to join the new federal government?
Answer- 1- Our founders rejected the concept of democracy while dividing the system of government and choose republicanism. According to them, democracy is a type of government which misuses individuals' rights and liberty. There is big difference between democracy and republicanism. The democracy includes the whole people but the republic includes only citizens. In a democracy, everyone has a right to vote,even the criminals and the people who work illegally while in a republic, it is possible to construct and maintain laws for protecting citizens. Democracy is a government which is ruled by omnipotent majority on the other hand the republic has a written constitution of basic human rights that protects the rights of each citizens in a country.
Answer-2- Home front refers to the civilian population of the nation who supported their military at the time of war. During the war, these home front plays an important role and women were the main part of it. They took place of the men who joined the military and took their jobs. Military forces were greatly dependent on the support of home front civilians because they manufactured products for military and delivered products for military forces.
Answer-3- Shays' Rebellion was a series of protests occured in 1786-87 by the farmers of America. This rebellion started in Massachusettes in 1786 against local and state enforcement of tax collection from farmers and judgement for debt. This rebellion got its name from its leader, Daniel Shays.
The rebellion is important because it alarmed politicians throughout the mation and it is also known as one of the major elements which led to shape a new constitution.
Answer-4- American Revolution had very few impacts on the life of slaves. During revolution, many slaves ran away and got the freedom. Many slaves promised freedom for serving in revolution and they played a major role in the American revolution. Free slaves combined in majority and spoke about their natural rights but no major changes occured in their life after the revolution. No body treated them well and they also lost their jobs. According to the constitution, all people are equal but this did not change the life of slaves at a large scale.
Answer- 5- New York hesitated to join the federal government because it was believed that the presidency would become very powerful and it would take the form of monarchy. Anti federalists believed that federal government would be unresponsive towards the needs of localities and opposed it.