In: Anatomy and Physiology
Dengue fever
Dengue fever is a caused by a mosquito .fever is an infectious disease. Caused by mosquito bite. An mosquito is female Aeday Aeqpty Prefers to bite humans. They breed in clean water .there is no specific vaccine is available currently. "But it is treatable with medicine a precaution. Today many people are suffer from this dengue fever.This is also called as break Bone feve & Because it causes severe joint pain a pain in muscles. it is often dangerous, febrile mostly found in tropical area & Africa It has steadily incressed in both incidence a distribution over last 40yres according to WHO there are million cases of dengue infection, resulting in around 29,000 deaths. Dengu fever is a flu-like viral disease common througout tropical and Africa, mainly in urban a pre-urban areas: The main symptoms of dengue, are, fever & severe headache pain in joint pain in muscles rash .h This is main symtoms seen in denque affected person. also some secondary symptoms like gastritis, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain alle seen, Rash appers after 3 toc days of rever. Nausea, vomiting, dirrhea is less common for avoiding dengure prevansion is must, self hyigen. cleaness, properly waste disposal, stricly avoid wates" stagany ete.