Correct answer - Polysaccharides
- There are three types of hormones or hormone-like substances
- Fat derived
- They are derived from cholesterol
- They are insoluble in water
- They are steroid in nature
- Therefore, they required a transport protein
- Example androgen binding protein (secreted by Sertoli cells)is
a carrier for testosterone
- They are fat-soluble and therefore have their receptors in the
nucleus or cytosol
- Peptides
- They are protein in nature
- They are short polypeptide chains
- They are water-soluble but not fat-soluble.
- Therefore, their receptors are located on the cell
- Example - Insulin
- Amino-acid derived
- these are hormones derived from amino acids like tyrosine and
- Example - thyroxine - Iodine and tyrosine
Polysaccharides are organic but have no hormonal activity.
Incorrect answers:
- Prostaglandins - there are derived from unsaturated fatty acid.
They are hormones formed during inflammation
- Protein - peptide derived hormones are protein in nature
- Steroids - they are fat-derived ( cholesterol) hormones.
Example - testosterone.