
In: Computer Science

(LANGUAGE: C++) 1)     For this lab, you will fill in what’s missing to make the attached file...


1)     For this lab, you will fill in what’s missing to make the attached file cust_leads.cpp work

2)     The Lead class is for a very limited amount of information about a potential customer

·       Include string fields for name and email

·       A constructor that takes values for these two fields

·       Include a getter for the email field

·       Overload the == operator

·       2 Lead’s are equal if the names are the same (the emails don’t need to match)

·       the first few lines of main() test this operator, and then you use it when adding a new lead and getting contact info about a lead

3)     The Command class represents an option for the main menu. It includes:

·       A char to pick this command

·       A string to describe what the command does

·       A constructor that takes these two parameters

·       A “friend” line to allow an overloaded << operator to output a Command

·       Write the overloaded << operator as a separate, global function, just as in the textbook and notes

4)     The add function to add a new lead. It takes a vector<Lead> & parameter

·       Read in name and email values to create a new Lead

·       Use the == operator to compare this new lead against what is already in the vector. You can write the search code yourself or use the find() function of the <algorithm> library

·       If you want to use find() (and it is not required), note that it takes 3 parameters: a begin iterator, an end iterator and a target

(1)   The iterators are what you would get from vector’s begin() and end() functions

(2)   The target must be of type Lead, so you need to create a “dummy” Lead object with the name to search and use this object as the 3rd parameter – the name is just a string and will not work

(3)   Also note that find() returns an iterator:

(a)   It matches the end() iterator if the target was not found

(b)   Otherwise, you can dereference the iterator to get the full Lead object that was found

·       If the name does not exist yet in the vector, add the new lead to the vector

·       If the name already exists in the parameter, output the error message indicated below

5)     The get_contact function to look up a lead. It takes a vector<Lead> & parameter

·       Read in the name to lookup

·       If the name exists in the vector parameter, display the contact info

·       If not, display the error message indicated below:


Test of == operator for Lead's

correct: Jack != Jill

correct: both have the same name

Program to manage leads for possible customers

Enter option from below:

q: quit program

a: add new lead

g: get contact info


Enter name: Mac

Enter email: [email protected]

Enter option from below:

q: quit program

a: add new lead

g: get contact info


Enter name: Mac

Mac is already on the list

Enter option from below:

q: quit program

a: add new lead

g: get contact info


Enter name: Nina

Enter email: [email protected]

Enter option from below:

q: quit program

a: add new lead

g: get contact info


Enter name to lookup: Nina

Email contact: [email protected]

Enter option from below:

q: quit program

a: add new lead

g: get contact info


Enter name to lookup: Zen

Person not found

Enter option from below:

q: quit program

a: add new lead

g: get contact info


Exiting program


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

// Put classes and functions here

int main() {
    const char QUIT = 'q';
    const char ADD = 'a';
    const char GET_CONTACT = 'g';
    char cmd = ' ';
    cout << "Test of == operator for Lead's" << endl;
    Lead lead1("Jack", "[email protected]"),
         lead2("Jill", "[email protected]"),
         lead3("Jill", "[email protected]");
    if (lead1 == lead2)
        cout << "error: should not match Jack and Jill" << endl;
    else cout << "correct: Jack != Jill" << endl;
    if (lead2 == lead3)
        cout << "correct: both have the same name" << endl;
    else cout << "error: should match leads with same name, even if email is different" << endl;

    cout << "Program to manage leads for possible customers" << endl << endl;

    vector<Command> cmds;
    cmds.push_back(Command(QUIT, "quit program"));
    cmds.push_back(Command(ADD, "add new lead"));
    cmds.push_back(Command(GET_CONTACT, "get contact info"));

    vector<Lead> leads;

    do {
        cout << "Enter option from below:" << endl;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cmds.size(); i++)
            cout << cmds[i];
        cin >> cmd;
        cmd = tolower(cmd);
        switch(cmd) {
            case QUIT:
                cout << "Exiting program" << endl;
            case ADD:
            case GET_CONTACT:
                cerr << "Unrecognized command: " << cmd << endl;
    } while (cmd != QUIT);


Make sure to add comments for each class/function. Thank you.


Expert Solution

Please find the solution below.

  • Comments have been added in the program for your convenience.
  • All input examples have been tested as described in the question

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

// Lead class
class Lead {
// name of the person
string name;
// email of the person
string email;
// constructor to initialize a new lead
Lead(string name, string email) {
this->name = name;
this->email = email;
// getter for email
string get_email() {
return email;
//overloading the == operator
bool operator==(Lead l1){
return == 0;

// command class
class Command {
// input character
char c;
// task associated with input character
string task;
//constructor to initialize Command
Command(char c, string task) {
this->c = c;
this->task = task;
// friend line to enable << operator overloading
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Command& cmd);

//overloading << operator to handle command differently
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Command& cmd)
os << cmd.c <<": "<< cmd.task<< endl;
return os;

/** get contact if it exists in list of contacts
* prints email of contact if contact is found
* prints person not found if contact is not found
void get_contact(vector<Lead> &leads) {
int found = 0;
cout<<"Enter name to lookup: ";
string name = "";
cin >> name;
//create a dummy lead to compare
Lead leadToFind(name, "email");
//iterate over leads to find contact and print if found
for(auto i = leads.begin();i != leads.end(); ++i) {
Lead lead = *i;
if(leadToFind == lead) {
cout<<"Email contact: "<< lead.get_email() << endl;
found = 1; // setting flag if contact is found
if(found == 0) {
cout<<"Person not found"<<endl;

/** add contact if it does not exist in list of leads
* adds contact in Leads if contact is not found
void add(vector<Lead> &leads) {
string name = "", email = "";
int found=0;
cout<<"Enter name: ";
cout<<"Enter email: ";
Lead newLead(name, email);
//iterate over leads to find contact
for(auto i = leads.begin();i != leads.end(); ++i) {
Lead lead = *i;
if(lead == newLead) {
found = 1; // setting flag if contact is found
if(found==0) { //add to list if not already there
} else { // do not add if contact is found in list
cout << name << " is already on the list" << endl;

int main() {
const char QUIT = 'q';
const char ADD = 'a';
const char GET_CONTACT = 'g';
char cmd = ' ';
cout << "Test of == operator for Lead's" << endl;
Lead lead1("Jack", "[email protected]"),
lead2("Jill", "[email protected]"),
lead3("Jill", "[email protected]");
if (lead1 == lead2)
cout << "error: should not match Jack and Jill" << endl;
else cout << "correct: Jack != Jill" << endl;
if (lead2 == lead3)
cout << "correct: both have the same name" << endl;
else cout << "error: should match leads with same name, even if email is different" << endl;

cout << "Program to manage leads for possible customers" << endl << endl;

vector<Command> cmds;
cmds.push_back(Command(QUIT, "quit program"));
cmds.push_back(Command(ADD, "add new lead"));
cmds.push_back(Command(GET_CONTACT, "get contact info"));

vector<Lead> leads;

do {
cout << "Enter option from below:" << endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cmds.size(); i++)
cout << cmds[i];
cin >> cmd;
cmd = tolower(cmd);
switch(cmd) {
case QUIT:
cout << "Exiting program" << endl;
case ADD:
cerr << "Unrecognized command: " << cmd << endl;
} while (cmd != QUIT);


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