
In: Computer Science

c++   In this lab you will create a program to make a list of conference sessions...

c++   In this lab you will create a program to make a list of conference sessions you want to attend. (List can be of anything...)

You can hard code 10 Sessions in the beginning of your main program.

For example, I have

session UK1("Descaling agile",    "Gojko Adzic",       60);

       session UK2("Theory of constraints", "Pawel Kaminski", 90);

and then:

       List l;



Your Session struct should have the following member data:

  1. The Title
  2. The Speaker
  3. The session length (an integer)
  4. A link to the next session.

Your Session struct will have following member functions:

  1. A default constructor that blanks/zeros the title, speaker and session length.
  2. A constructor that takes three inputs: one for the title, one for the speaker and one for the session length.   (You can combine this with the default or not, your choice.)
  3. A print function that prints out the title, speaker and session length.

Linked List (Session.h, Session.cpp)

You will create a class that contains a list of Sessions. This class will have a pointer to the top of the linked list as private member data and the following member functions:

  1. A default constructor.
  2. A destructor – The destructor should contain a cout statement that shows when it was called. It should delete the linked list. It should print the title of each element it deletes.
  3. A print method that prints the linked list. This function should use the Sessions print function.
  4. An add method that adds a Session to the linked list. This method most keep the list IN ORDER by Session Speaker. See sample flowers code for an example of this. You can use the string comparison operators (<,>) to do this.
  5. A method that finds and prints a Session by Speaker. Assume that there is only one session per speaker. This function should take advantage of the fact that the list is sorted.
  6. Your .h file should have some code in it to make sure it only compiles once. You can use either the #ifndef method or the pragma once method. If you use pragma once, add some comments explaining what it does. (If you've already done this on a previous lab you are good to go.)          


  • Once you’ve created your linked list you should print out the titles, speakers and session time. See example output.
  • Then, allow your user to enter a speaker and have your program search your linked list. Print the Session if you find it or <speaker name > "Not Found" if you don't.
  • Notice that my destructor printed as it deleted.
  • Align your list output.


Expert Solution

// Session.h
#ifndef SESSION_H
#define SESSION_H

#include <string>

struct session
std::string title;
std::string speaker;
int length;
session *next;

session(std::string title="",std::string speaker="", int length=0);
void print();

class List
session *top;
void print();
void add(session *s);
void find(std::string speaker);

//end of Session.h

// Session.cpp
#include "Session.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

// constructor to set the title (default ""), speaker (default "") and length (default 0)
session::session(std::string title, std::string speaker, int length)
this->title = title;
this->speaker = speaker;
this->length = length;
next = nullptr;

// function to display the title, speaker and length of the session
void session:: print()

// constructor to create an empty Session linked list
top = nullptr;

// destructor to delete the session nodes of the linked list
cout<<"Destructor called"<<endl;
session *temp;
// loop over the list
while(top != nullptr)
cout<<top->title<<endl; // display the title
temp = top;
top = top->next;
delete(temp); // delete the node

// function to display the sessions in the list
void List::print()
if(top == nullptr) // empty list
cout<<"No sessions exist"<<endl;
// display the list
session *curr = top;
// loop over the list
while(curr != nullptr)
curr = curr->next;

// function to add the session s to the list ordered by speaker
void List:: add(session *s)
if(top == nullptr) // empty list, insert at the top
top = s;
session *curr = top;
session *prev = nullptr;
// loop to get the position of insert in sorted order
while(curr != nullptr)
if(curr->speaker > s->speaker)
prev = curr;
curr = curr->next;

// insert at top
if(prev == nullptr)
s->next = top;
top = s;
// insert between prev and next
prev->next = s;
s->next = curr;

// function to find the course with the given speaker
void List:: find(std::string speaker)
bool found = false;
session *curr = top;
// loop over the list
while(curr != nullptr)
if(curr->speaker == speaker) // if session with the speaker is found
found = true;
}else if(curr->speaker > speaker) // if the current speaker session is alphabetically after input speaker (since the list is sorted)


curr = curr->next;

// if session with the speaker is not found
cout<<speaker<<" Not Found"<<endl;

//end of Session.cpp

// main.cpp : C++ driver program to test the List class
#include <iostream>
#include "Session.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
// create 10 sessions
session UK1("Descaling agile","Gojko Adzic",60);
session UK2("Theory of constraints", "Pawel Kaminski", 90);
session UK3("Data structures", "John Smith", 50);
session UK4("Algorithms", "Harley Quinn", 70);
session UK5("Programming With Java", "Michelle Day", 100);
session UK6("Theory of computing", "Henry Cavil", 120);
session UK7("Ethics", "Harry Febil", 90);
session UK8("Programming with C++", "Sumita Arora", 75);
session UK9("Computer Networks", "Shaun Hope", 80);
session UK10("Networking", "Antoine Suarez", 45);

List l; // create an empty list
// insert the 10 sessions into the list

l.print(); // display the list

string speaker;
// input of speaker name to search
cout<<"Enter the name of the speaker to find: ";

l.find(speaker); // find the speaker in the list

return 0;
//end of main.cpp


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