
In: Computer Science

Language: C++ I am starting to make a Bigint ADT and i have the hpp file...

Language: C++

I am starting to make a Bigint ADT and i have the hpp file finished now i need to make the methods for the functions.

The data type int in C++ is limited to the word size of the CPU architecture (e.g., 32 or 64 bit). Therefore you can only work with signed integers up to 2,147,483,647 (in the case of signed 32 bit). Unsigned 32 bit is still only 10 digits. Maxint for 64 is somewhat larger at 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 but still only 19 digits. Clearly, this causes difficulties for working with very large integer values (say 100 digits). Your job is to develop an ADT (called bigint) that can take any size postive integer. It will work for 100, 200, 500, etc. digit integers.

Representation is a key issue for this assignment. We recommend an array of integers, with each element representing one single digit (0 to 9) of the big number. One could use an array of char, but the memory savings is pretty minimal. Placing the values in the array is the interesting part. The naïve representation makes storing the bigint easy but makes the operations (add and multiply) very difficult to implement. A slightly more clever representation makes storing the big number a little bit harder but makes implementing the operations way easier.

Arrays are typically drawn to be read left to right with the 0 element on the left and the largest on the right. However, arrays are a completely made up concept and are not physical in nature. So you can draw them and think about them anyway you want. For this problem having the right side as the 0 element and the left side as the largest makes much more sense.

Take the example of the number 299,793. We show how it is stored in the array below. The 3 is in the one's position, the 9 in the 10's position and so on. This neatly corresponds to the index of the array. The addition and multiple algorithms given below use this representation.


Index: n ... 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Place: 10^n's ... 10^7's 10^6's 10^5's 10000's 1000's 100's 10's 1's
Value: 0 ... 0 0 2 9 9 7 9 3


  • The capacity of the bigint must be specified by a global constant CAPACITY, use: const int CAPACITY = 400;
  • A default constructor to initialize a bigint to zero.
  • A constructor to initialize a bigint to an int value you provide [0, maxint]. Example: bigint(128).
  • A constructor to initialize a bigint to a const char[] you provide. You can assume what is provided is a valid bigint. Example: bigint("299793").
  • Develop a method called debugPrint that will be helpful for debugging your bigint. Use a method defintition of void debugPrint(std::ostream&) const; It simply prints out every element of your bigint array starting from the highend (e.g., capacity-1) of the bigint to zero. Printing a "|" between each value will also be pretting helpful to help with debugging.
  • Overload output operator<< as a friend or free function, so that takes a stream and bigint as input and writes the bigint to the stream. It will print at most 80 digits per line. No leading zeros are to be printed.
  • Overload operator== to compare if two bigints are equal. It returns a bool - true if equal and false otherwise.
  • using namespace std; is stricly forbiden. As are any global using statements.
  • You can NOT use a pre-defined library or built in class (such as std::vector or std::string) to solve this problem. Use a standard array to solve the problem. You also do not need to solve any part of this problem.


#ifndef BIGINT_HPP
#define BIGINT_HPP

const int CAPACITY = 400;

class bigint {
bigint(); //default constructor
bigint(const char[]);
void debugPrint(std::ostream&) const;
bool operator<< (const bigint&) const;
bool operator== (const bigint&) const;
int j_[CAPACITY];
int num;

bigint.cpp: // start of method file

#include "bigint.hpp"

for(int i=0;i j_[i]=0;



bigint::bigint(const char[]){


Expert Solution

Please find the explanation int the comments in the functions.

The code is tested;

#include "Header.h"

//since size of zero int is not given just set the num to zero;
   num = 0;

//given a number in
bigint::bigint(int in)
   //declare an array of capacity
   int arr[CAPACITY];
   num = 0;
   while (in)
       //extract the last digit of the in
       arr[num] = in % 10;
       //remove the last digit from in
       in = in / 10;
       //count the number of digits remaining

   //the number collected in arr is reverse of the original number so reverse
   // and store in j_
   for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
       j_[i] = arr[num - i - 1];

bigint::bigint(const char n[])
   num = 0;
   int i = 0;
   //nzFound stores if we are iterating over leading zeros.
   bool nzFound = false;
   while (n[i] != '\0')
       //as long as iterating over leading zeros, dont store that digit
       if (!nzFound && n[i] == '0')
       //since finding first non zero digit set the flag
       //so that all upcoming zeros should be stored in j_
       nzFound = true;
       //converting ascii value to integer
       j_[num] = n[i]-'0';

void bigint::debugPrint(std::ostream& o) const
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < num-1; i++)
       o << j_[i] << '|';
   o << j_[i];

bool bigint::operator== (const bigint &b) const
   if (num != b.num)
       return false;
   for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
       if (j_[i] != b.j_[i])
           return false;
   return true;

bool operator<<(std::ostream o, const bigint &b)
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < b.num; i++)
       o << b.j_[i] << '|';
       //print every 80th char to be \n thus not printing more than 80 digits per line.
       if ( (i + 1) % 80 == 0)
           o << '\n';
   return true;

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