In: Biology
Compare and contrast intensive agriculture and prairie agriculture in terms of their effects on the environment.
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Compare and contrast intensive agriculture and prairie agriculture in terms of their effects on the environment.
Ans.Intensive agriculture:-Intensive farming is an agriculture intensification and mechanization system that aims to maximize yields from available land through various means,such as heavy use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
Prairie agriculture:-Prairie agriculture are ecosystem considered part of the temperate grasslands,savannas,&shrublands blome by ecologists,based on similar temperate climates,moderate rainfall, and a composition of grasses,herbs,&shrubs rather than trees,as the dominant vegetation type.lands typically referred to as 'prairie' tend to be in' North America' the team encompasses the area referred as the interior lowlands of canada,the united states,and mexico,which indicates all of the great plains as well as the wetter,somewhat hillier land to the east.
The environmental impacts from unsustainable farming practices include;land conversion & habitat loss.wastefull water consumption.soil erosion and degradation.