
In: Mechanical Engineering

A piston–cylinder assembly contains 2 lb of water, initially at 100 lbf/in.2 and 600°F. The water...

A piston–cylinder assembly contains 2 lb of water, initially at 100 lbf/in.2 and 600°F. The water undergoes two processes in series: a constant-pressure process followed by a constant volume process. At the end of the constant-volume process, the temperature is 300°F and the water is a two-phase liquid–vapor mixture with a quality of 50%. Neglect kinetic and potential energy effects. Determine the work and heat transfer for each process, all in Btu.


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Steam, initially at 700 lbf/in.2, 550°F undergoes a polytropic process in a piston–cylinder assembly to a...
Steam, initially at 700 lbf/in.2, 550°F undergoes a polytropic process in a piston–cylinder assembly to a final pressure of 2200 lbf/in.2 Kinetic and potential energy effects are negligible. Determine the heat transfer, in Btu per lb of steam, for a polytropic exponent of 1.4, (a) using data from the steam tables. (b) assuming ideal gas behavior.
Air within a piston–cylinder assembly, initially at 15 lbf/ in.2, 510°R, and a volume of 6...
Air within a piston–cylinder assembly, initially at 15 lbf/ in.2, 510°R, and a volume of 6 ft3, is compressed isentropically to a final volume of 1.75 ft3. Assuming the ideal gas model with k = 1.4 for the air, determine the: (a) mass, in lb. (b) final pressure, in lbf/in.2 (c) final temperature, in °R. (d) work, in Btu.
Seven lbm of ammonia in a piston-cylinder assembly, initially at p1 = 60 lbf/in2 and T1...
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Water contained in a piston-cylinder assembly as shown in the Figure below, initially at 1.5 ???...
Water contained in a piston-cylinder assembly as shown in the Figure below, initially at 1.5 ??? and a quality of 20%, is heated at a constant pressure until the piston hits the stops. Heating then continues until the water is saturated vapor. Show the processes of the water in series on a sketch of the ?-? diagram. For the overall process of the water, evaluate the work and heat transfer, each in ??⁄??. Kinetic and potential effects are negligible. (please...
A piston–cylinder device initially contains 2 kg water in 1 m3 at 500 kPa. The system...
A piston–cylinder device initially contains 2 kg water in 1 m3 at 500 kPa. The system then cools down and the volume drops to half and pressure of 300 kPa. At this state, the piston is resting on a set of stops, and the mass of the piston is such that a pressure of 500 kPa is required to move it. (a) Show the process on a P-v, T-v and P-T diagrams with respect to saturation lines and determine, (b)...
A piston-cylinder has a volume of 1 ft3 and contains a substance initially at 50 °F...
A piston-cylinder has a volume of 1 ft3 and contains a substance initially at 50 °F and 1 atm. The system is then heated until the temperature becomes 300 °F. Determine the total heat added (Btu) and final volume (ft3) assuming the substance is: a) water, b) copper, c) neon, d) air.
A piston-cylinder device, whose piston is resting on a set of stops, initially contains 2 kg...
A piston-cylinder device, whose piston is resting on a set of stops, initially contains 2 kg of air at 300 kPa and 27ºC. The mass of the piston is such that a pressure of 600 kPa is required to move it upward. Heat is now transferred to the air until its volume doubles. a) Determine the work done by the air and b) the total heat transferred to the air during this process. c) Also, sketch the process on a...
One kg of water in a piston-cylinder assembly, initially at 1.5 bar and 200 C, cools...
One kg of water in a piston-cylinder assembly, initially at 1.5 bar and 200 C, cools at constant pressure with no internal irreversibilities to a final state where the water is a saturated liquid. For the water as the system, determine the work, the heat transfer, and the amounts of exergy transfer accompanying work and heat transfer, each in kJ. Let T0 = 20 °C, p0=1 bar and ignore the effects of motion and gravity. THERE ARE SOME DIFFERENT ANSWERS...
Five kg of water is contained in a piston–cylinder assembly, initially at 5 bar and 500°C....
Five kg of water is contained in a piston–cylinder assembly, initially at 5 bar and 500°C. The water is slowly heated at constant pressure to a final state. The heat transfer for the process is 2660 kJ and kinetic and potential energy effects are negligible. Determine the final volume, in m3, and the work for the process, in kJ. There is no final temperature information given.
Two kg of water is contained in a piston–cylinder assembly, initially at 10 bar and 200°C....
Two kg of water is contained in a piston–cylinder assembly, initially at 10 bar and 200°C. The water is slowly heated at constant pressure to a final state. If the heat transfer for the process is 1740 kJ, determine the temperature at the final state, in °C, and the work, in kJ. Kinetic and potential energy effects are negligible. (Moran, 01/2018, p. P-23) Moran, M. J., Shapiro, H. N., Boettner, D. D., Bailey, M. B. (01/2018). Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics,...