United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
- United Nations Children's Fund(UNICEF) is the children
foundation united nation.
- UNICEF is developed by the united nations general assembly for
emergency fund for children which are devastated in the World War
- The main purpose of this organization is to provide food to
needy children and the mothers in the 192 countries worldwide
- UNICEF is the social welfare organization which also includes
promoting women eduction, awareness of sanitation, also providing
emergency relief fund to the countries for the natural
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
- Global Environment Facility (GEF) is developed to solve the
environmental problems of our plant earth.
- GEF is also focused on solar energy and also eco friendly
resources which will balance the environment.
- Also GEF is the organization which promotes welfare animals in
environment and it is used track the problems i.e cyclone, earth
quick etc.
- Global Environment Facility also focusing smallholder
agriculture and also the food value chains program which will help
for increasing food security for millions of households in