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please summarize Tony Alessandra's "how to read a person like a book"

please summarize Tony Alessandra's "how to read a person like a book"


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In the book, Dr. Alessandra takes the readers on a journey into how are the different personality types that one sells to, their different needs. Utilizing the DiSC framework (DiSC is the leading personal assessment tool that is used by over 1 million people every year to improve their work productivity, teamwork and communication.) Alessandra goes through the different strengths and weaknesses of each type of personality. He explains how to use one's own type to sell and how to sell to each individual personality type. This has the potential to improve a person's selling techniques.

The DISC framework provides behavioral assessments to help clients to build a cohesive superhero team. These assessments provide a lot of valuable information about the individual members of the team. Listed below is some of the information that is revealed-

1.Each person’s behavioral type

2. How each type prefers to be communicated with.

3. Whether they are people or task oriented.

4. The pace that they are more comfortable working at, (fast or slower).

5. It also tells us whether they are open i.e.wear their feelings on their sleeve or guarded, i.e. they don’t share much personal information. direct, i.e. tell you what’s on their mind or indirect, i.e. do not divulge what’s on their mind for fear of reprisal.

All of us have some measure of each behavioral style, and more often than not we are a combination of different styles. No one style is better than another and we need the gifts and strengths that each style brings to the workplace in order to create a superhero team.

To give a brief overview of the different behavioral styles mentioned in DiSC as below

Dominant or “D” style- They are guarded and direct, concerned more with the bottom line, and they are oriented toward productivity and goals. They tend to take control of other people and have a low tolerance for other’s feelings. Their primary strengths are the ability to get things done, leadership and decision-making ability. The areas of weakness are inflexibility, impatience, poor listening habits and a tendency toward workaholism.

Influential or “I” style- They are open and direct, fun loving, sociable, can inspire other people to take action and care about people, after they have finished talking about themselves. Their strengths are thinking on the feet, optimism, intuitiveness and creativity. The areas of concern here are creating formal reports or keeping detailed records. They also dislike re-doing anything once it has been done and any type of restriction.

The “S” or Steadiness style- It is the glue that holds the team together. This style brings harmony in group situations. They are also friendly, sensitive, great listeners and they like working in teams. This style dislikes change and competition. Their areas of concern are slow to make decisions, dislike working with dictatorial or unfriendly people and are not comfortable with change or any type of competition.

The Conscientious or “C” style - They are best described as being highly organized, quick to think but slow to speak and they plan thoroughly before deciding to act. What’s difficult for this style is working with unpredictable people or in disorganized environments. They also struggle with being outgoing and open, working with others and being given incomplete or unclear directions.

The books offers it's readers the opportunity to learning practical and immediately applicable skills that can positively affect their relationships with prospects, customers and co-workers. The author's focus is on how to create instant rapport with prospects, employees & vendors; how to convert those prospects and customers into business apostles who will spread the good word about your company and products as well as how to out-market, out-sell and out-service the competition.

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