
In: Biology

hydrogen ions part of the mitochondrion enclosed by the inner membrane where the citric acid cycle...

hydrogen ions

part of the mitochondrion enclosed by the inner membrane where the citric acid cycle takes place

part of the chloroplast where the light reactions take place

the uptake and conversion of CO2 into organic molecules in the Calvin cycle

product of fermentation by some microorganisms

a series of linked chemical reactions



carbon fixation

metabolic pathway


enthyl alchocol



Expert Solution


Hydrogen ions - Protons.

Part of the mitochondrion enclosed by the inner membrane where the citric acid cycle takes place - Matrix.

Part of the chloroplast where the light reactions take place - Grana/ thylakoid / Part of the chloroplast where the dark reactions take place - Stroma.

The uptake and conversion of CO2 into organic molecules in the Calvin cycle - Carbon fixation.

Product of fermentation by some microorganisms - Ethyl alchocol

A series of linked chemical reactions - Metabolic pathway.


Proton is the atomic particle that has positive ion. Hydrogen ion is a proton that consists of 1 positive ion. Transfer of electrons through electron transport chain is accompanied by pumping of H+ ion and protons also generate proton motive force. Mitochondria is a double membrane structure where innner matrix is surrounded by innner membrane and citric acid cycle occurs in the matrix of mitochondria. The light reaction occurs in the grana/thylakoid of chroloplast where direct energy of light is used to produce ATP and NADPH and this ATP and NADPH is used in dark reaction that occurs in stroma of chloroplasts. In dark reaction (Calvin cycle), CO2 is uptake and used in coversion of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate to 3-phosphoglyceric acids that ulimately give rise sugar like glucose, fructose etc. Ethyl alcohol is produced from pyruvate (end product of glycolysis) in anerobic respiration by microorganisms like bacteria. Metabolic pathway is a series of interconnected chemical reactions occuring within the cell. The pathway may be linear (glycolysis), cyclic (citric acid cycle) and spiral (fatty acids biosynthesis).

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