In: Economics
what is the appropriate balance between government and freedom in American democracy?
Democracy requires two basic values to be adhered to: freedom
and equality. Both are critical. Anarchy is democracy without
equality; Communism is equality without liberty.
Faced with equality the focus on democracy flies and vice versa.
Freedom of speech, for example, is rightly cherished, but not all
voices have equal power. People with money and influence have more
authority than penniless and helpless those
In general terms, democracy is the Republican domain, and equality is the Democrats domain. Obviously, since both principles are sacred, neither side can totally dismiss the opposing theory. Yet one theory — depending on one's political affiliation — may be more sacred than the other.
The dichotomy of democracy is normal, and healthy. Freedom and equality are related to the fundamental human needs of liberty and love. On the one hand, mature adults are self-directing and on the other, empathic. You appreciate (a) the value of living positive, meaningful lives and (b) contributing to the less fortunate ones.