
In: Biology

. Describe how the brain has evolved across this spectrum of animals. (Shark, Mudpuppy,snake, bird, and...

. Describe how the brain has evolved across this spectrum of animals. (Shark, Mudpuppy,snake, bird, and pig)


Expert Solution


Characters Shark Mudpuppy Snake Bird Pig
Cranium Cartilaginous Bony Bony Bony Bony
Size Simple, Elongated, Flattened, thrice as long as broad Simple, elongated, flattened nearly 3 times longer than broad Elongated but comparatively larger and broader Brain relatively larger and more complex Brain relatively largest, complex and most advanced.
Main Parts- Forebrain, Midbrain and Hindbrain Present Present Present Present Present



Position attached to antero- lateral angles of cerebrum attached side by side in front of cerebrum attached in front of cerebrum without constrictions attached anteriorly to cerebral hemispheres attached distinctly to anterior end of cerebrum
Parts Differentiated into tract and bulb No differentiation between tract and bulb Each drawn into an olfactory bulb No distinctions into penducles and bulbs Tracts covered beneath cerebrum.
Olfactory ventricles- Rhinocoels Spacious Small and narrow Narrow Absent Present


Neuropore Present Absent Absent Absent Absent
Cerebral cortex Absent Shows beginning of cerebral cortex Poorly developed Relatively poor than in mammals Very well developed
Pallium Poorly developed Developed better than in fishes Shows an increase Relatively poor than in mammals Very well developed
Corpora striata Poorly developed Developed better than in fishes Thick, well developed Thick, very conspicuous Comparatively, less developed
Corpus callosum Absent Absent Absent Absent Present
Lateral ventricles- Paracoels Spacious and unbranched Unbranched Unbranched Unbranched Well developed and branched


Shape and Size Small, narrow and dorsally coverd beneath anterior extension of cerebellum Short, rhomboidal and not covered dorsally by cerebellum Small, rounded and covered dorsally by cerebral hemispheres and optic lobes Dorsal surface covered by cerebrum and cerebellum Completely covered dorsally below backward extension of cerebral hemispheres
Corpus albicans Absent Absent Absent Absent Present
Middle commissure Absent Absent Absent Absent Present


Optic lobes Dorsal side contains two large optic lobes which remain mostly concealed by cerebellum Dorsal surface has two uncoverd, lateral. rounded and hollow optic lobes. Two medium, oval dorso-lateral lobes which remains uncovered Two optic lobes laterally displaced Optic lobes form four small solid bodies mostly covered by cerebral hemispheres
Crura cerebri Poorly developed and mostly concealed ventrally by inferior lobes and saccus vasculosus Run longitufinally beneath optic lobes connecting diencephalon and medulla. Partially covered by pituitary Thickened floor forms crura cerebi which are comparatively less developed Bands of ventral crura cerebi thickened Far better developed than others


Division Made of three lobes divided by two transverse furrows Undivided Remains undivided Divided into three lobes: a large median vermis, and two small lateral flocculi Divided into five lobes: a median vermis, two lateral lobes each terminating into a flocculus
Surface Dorsal surface bears irregular folds Surface is smooth without folds External surface is smooth Surface folded all over Surface much folded
Ventricle Cavity Small Cavity Small Cavity Solid Cavity Narrow and branched
Arbor vitae Absent Absent Absent Absent White matter looks tree-like
Pons varolli Absent Absent Absent Absent Stout, ventral transverse nervous band connecting two lateral sides of cerebellum


Shape and Size Large, hollow, triangular gradually tapering behind, partly concealed in front under cerebellum Small, conical hollow
Small, conical hollow
Small, hollow concealed beneath cerebellum Broad, triangular, hollow, tapering and covered partially by cerebellum
Restiform bodies Medulla bears antero-laterally a pair of irregular, thin-walled, hollow outgrowths. Absent Absent Absent Absent
Ventral flexure Absent Absent Medulla and spinal cord meet at a ventral flexure Well- marked Absent


Number 10 pairs 10 pairs 12 pairs. XI is spinal accessory and XII is hypoglossal 12 pairs. XI is spinal accessory and XII is hypoglossal 12 pairs. XI is spinal accessory and XII is hypoglossal

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