
In: Biology

How have some organisms (animals) evolved to defend themselves from predation? Give examples.

How have some organisms (animals) evolved to defend themselves from predation? Give examples.


Expert Solution

There are several ways animals avoid falling prey to a predator. One way is very direct and comes naturally. Imagine you are a rabbit and you have just noticed a fox preparing to attack. What would be your initial response? Right, you'd run. Animals can use speed as a very effective means of escaping predators. Remember, you can't eat what you can't catch!

Another defense mechanism is camouflage or protective coloration. One form, cryptic coloration, allows the animal to blend in with its environment and to mask its identity. This helps them to avoid being detected. For example, some animals appear to be leaves by their visual appearance as well as their behavior. It is important to note that predators also use cryptic coloration to avoid detection by unsuspecting prey.

Playing Dead
Some animals pretend to be dead when faced with danger. This type of adaption is known as thanatosis.

Oppossums and snakes can even emit fluid that produces a foul smell. This tricks predators into thinking that the animal is dead.

Trickery can also be used as a formidable defense. False features that appear to be enormous eyes or appendages can serve to dissuade potential predators. Mimickingan animal that is dangerous to a predator is another effective means of avoiding being eaten.

Physical Features
Physical or chemical combat are other types of defense mechanisms. Some animals' physical features make them a very undesirable meal. Porcupines, for example, make it very difficult for predators with their extremely sharp quills. Similarly, predators would have a tough time trying to get to a turtle through its protective shell.

Chemical Features
Chemical features can be just as effective. We all know the hazards of scaring a skunk! The chemicals released result in a not so pleasant aroma that an attacker will never forget. The dart frog also uses chemicals (poisons secreted from its skin) to deter attackers. Any animals that eat these small frogs are likely to get very sick or die.

Warning Calls
Some animals sound the alarm when danger approaches. For example, oxpeckers(birds that live in mutualistic relationships with grazing animals) will give a loud warning call when predators get too close.

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